As "root" on the bootstrap host machine: singularity create -s 8192 cmaq.img singularity build --sandbox /work/cmaq.sif library://library/default/centos Use the following command to do installations from the command-prompt in a terminal: singularity shell -s /usr/bin/tcsh --writable /work/cmaq.sif and then: yum -y install epel-release yum install bc yum install bison yum install bzip2 yum install curl yum install cvs yum install ddd yum install dos2unix yum install file yum install firefox yum install flex yum install gcc yum install gcc-gfortran yum install gcc-c++ yum install gd-devel yum install git yum install glibc-devel yum install gnuplot yum install hwloc hwloc-devel yum install ImageMagick yum install infiniband-diags-devel yum install jre yum install ksh yum install kate yum install lzma lzma-devel yum install man yum install motif yum install mpich mpich-devel yum install mvapich2 mvapich2-devel yum install openmpi3 openmpi3-devel yum install rcs yum install subversion yum install tcsh yum install time yum install unix2dos yum install wget yum install xguest yum install xlib-static yum install zlib zlib-devel yum install grads yum install meld yum install ncarg yum install ncview yum install nco yum install nedit yum install netcdf yum install netcdf-devel yum install netcdf-static yum install netcdf-cxx yum install netcdf-cxx-devel yum install netcdf-cxx-static yum install netcdf-fortran yum install netcdf-fortran-devel yum install netcdf-fortran-static yum install netcdf4-python rpm -i -vv Create /etc/profile.d/local.csh with the following contents: ------------------------------------------------------------ if ( ! $?PATH ) setenv PATH "/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin" if ( ! $?PERLLIB ) setenv PERLLIB "" if ( ! $?MANPATH ) setenv MANPATH "" if ( ! $?LD_LIBRARY_PATH ) setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "" if ( ! $?LIBRARY_PATH ) setenv LIBRARY_PATH "/usr/lib:/usr/lib64:/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-redhat-linux/" if ( ! $?PYTHONPATH ) setenv PYTHONPATH "" setenv BIN Linux2_x86_64gfort_medium setenv PATH "/opt/bin:/opt/ioapi-3.2/${BIN}:${PATH}:." setenv MANPATH "/usr/share/man/mpich:${MANPATH}:/opt/share/man:/usr/share/man/openmpi3-x86_64:/usr/share/man/mvapich2-x86_64" setenv NEDIT_HOME /opt/share/nedit setenv AMETBASE /opt/AMET_v14 alias xd 'xxdiff -i -b -B -w \!* &' alias xx '(setenv LC_CTYPE en_US; nedit -bg "#F0F8E0" \!* >& /dev/null ) &' alias verdi /opt/bin/ ------------------------------------------------------------ mkdir /opt/bin mkdir /opt/share mkdir /opt/share/nedit mkdir /opt/source cd /opt/source cat >& xtitle.c << HERE #include main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { if ( argc > 1 ) { printf( "\033]1;%s\007", argv[1] ) ; printf( "\033]2;%s\007", argv[1] ) ; } else{ printf( "\033]1;%s\007", "usage: xtitle " ) ; printf( "\033]2;%s\007", "usage: xtitle <title>" ) ; } } HERE cc -o /opt/bin/xtitle xtitle.c mkdir /opt/wgrib cd /opt/wgrib wget cc -o /opt/bin/wgrib wgrib.c cd /opt and then download and build the following (moving the sources to the indicated directories): git clone ~~> /opt/ioapi-3.2 cd /opt/ioapi-3.2; mkdir ${BIN} ; mkdir ${BIN}dbg edit /opt/ioapi-3.2/ioapi/Makefile and /opt/ioapi-3.2/m3tools/Makefile to replace "BASEDIR = /home/coats/ioapi-3.2" with "BASEDIR = /opt/ioapi-3.2" cd /opt/ioapi-3.2/ioapi; make; make BIN=${BIN}dbg cd /opt/ioapi-3.2/m3tools; make; make BIN=${BIN}dbg git clone ~~> /opt/CMAQ_532/ (and similarly for CMAQ-5.3.1 if you want it). cd /opt/CMAQ_532/CCTM/scripts. If you want DDM version, cp bldit_cctm.csh bldit_isam.csh and uncomment DDM3D_CCTM "./bldit_cctm.csh gcc" which will build directory BLD_CCTM_v532_gcc/ and then eventually fail cd BLD_CCTM_v532_gcc; rm *.o *.mod *.exe. For each MPI implementation: rpm -ql <MPI implementation> to determine paths to the "mpif90" executable, MPI libraries, and include files. cp -r BLD_CCTM_v532_gcc BLD_CCTM_v532_gcc-<mpi-version> and edit BLD_CCTM_v532_gcc-<mpi-version>/Makefile so that it begins: ------------------------------------------------------- # Makefile generated for parallel execution using program bldmake # and modified by C.Coats for use with singularity container. # # Memory model: -mcmodel=medium # # Libraries used: # Vendor provided MPI (mvapich2, mpich3, or openmpi) # Vendor provided netCDF # I/O API root directory /opt/ioapi-3.2/ #------------------------------------------------- EXEC = CCTM_v532.exe FC = <path to MPI mpif90 executable> CC = gcc BIN = Linux2_x86_64gfort_medium IOINC = /opt/ioapi-3.2/ioapi/fixed_src IOLIB = /opt/ioapi-3.2/${BIN} MPIINC = <MPI include path) include_path = -I $(IOLIB) -I $(IOINC) -I $(MPIINC) FSTD = -mcmodel=medium -O3 -funroll-loops -finit-character=32 -Wtabs -Wsurprising -ftree-vectorize -ftree-loop-if-convert -finline-limit=512 f_FLAGS = -ffixed-form -ffixed-line-length-132 -finit-character=32 $(FSTD) $(include_path) f90_FLAGS = -ffree-form -ffree-line-length-none -finit-character=32 $(FSTD) $(include_path) F_FLAGS = $(f_FLAGS) F90_FLAGS = $(f90_FLAGS) C_FLAGS = -mcmodel=medium -O2 -DFLDMN -I $(MPIINC) LINKER = $(FC) LINK_FLAGS = -fopenmp LIBRARIES = -L$(IOLIB) -lioapi \ -L/usr/lib64 -lnetcdff -lnetcdf \ -L<MPI library path> -lmpich -lmad CPP = $(FC)... ------------------------------------------------------- and run "make" If debug-executables are desired, cp -r BLD_CCTM_v532_gcc BLD_CCTM_v532_gccdbg-<mpi-version> and edit BLD_CCTM_v532_gccdbg-<mpi-version>/Makefile so that it contains the above, except for: ------------------------------------------------------- FSTD = -mcmodel=medium -Wall -O0 -g -fcheck=all -ffpe-trap=invalid,zero,overflow -fbacktrace -finit-character=32 ------------------------------------------------------- and run "make". If you want the ISAM version, cp bldit_cctm.csh bldit_isam.csh and uncomment ISAM_CCTM, and repeat the procedures above, using bldit_isam.csh, copying to BLD_CCTM_v532_ISAM_gcc[dbg]-<MPI version>, do the matching "Makefile" edits, then run "make" If you want the DDM3D version, cp bldit_cctm.csh bldit_isam.csh and uncomment DDM3D_CCTM, and repeat the procedures above, with BLD_CCTM_v532_DDM_gcc[dbg]-<MPI version>, do the matching "Makefile" edits, then run "make" git clone ~~> /opt/SMOKE/ git clone ~~> /opt/pave-3.0/ cd /opt/pave-3.0/src cp Makeinclude.template Makeinclude and edit definitions: ------------------------------------------------------- BUILD = Linux2_x86_64gfort_medium #........ Directory definitions: BASEDIR = /opt/pave-3.0 EXTERN = ${BASEDIR}/external_libs INCDIR = ${BASEDIR}/include LIBDIR = ${BASEDIR}/lib SRCINC = ${BASEDIR}/src/include IOSRC = /opt/ioapi-3.2/ioapi IOLIB = /opt/ioapi-3.2/${BUILD} BINDIR = ${BASEDIR}/bin ------------------------------------------------------- cp Makefile.template Makefile make git clone ~~> /opt/AMET_v14/ download and install the following under directory /opt: VERDI from ncview from panoply from GrADS from NCAR Graphics from findent from and build... Make symbolic links to /opt/bin for the following executables created above: panoply -> /opt/PanoplyJ/ pave -> /opt/pave-3.0/bin/pave -> /opt/VERDI_2.0_beta/ Copy nedit-resource files from initial host machine to "/opt/share/nedit" [this will add language mode for F90, among other things] Major script revisions * Partition scripts so that there is a container-resident portion that knows about container specifics (e.g., directory-paths, etc.) and that uses environment variables to control the run; and a host-resident portion that sets up environment variables (etc.) for the run and invokes the container-resident script. * Rewrite the scripts to deal with the container specifics. * Fix the scripts so that error-status is correctly recognized and passed up the script-invocation sequence so that errors are treated properly. * Fix the scripts so that user-customized executables can be used (see Appendix 2 of the User Manual). * Fix the scripts so that trying to run executables under a debugger actually works.