

The I/O API provides both real, disk-based files (which may be "volatile" or not, and are implemented on top of either netCDF, PnetCDF, or a native-binary implementation) and "virtual files" that may be used to provide safe, structured exchange of data -- the latter of "gridded," "boundary," or "custom" types only -- between either cooperating programs or different modules in the same program. You may even safely interchange between using real files and virtual files in different executions of the same program merely by changing the values of the logical names for the files at program launch (this would allow you to look at the data being shared between modules whenever you want to, for example, at high temporal resolution). There are two types of virtual files: memory-resident BUFFERED virtual files that can be used to share data between modules of a single program; and PVM-mailbox based COUPLING-MODE virtual files that can be used to share data and coordinate scheduling between different programs, even if they are executing on different machines half a continent apart across the Internet.

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pnetCDF Distributed-I/O Files

I/O API Version 3.2 introduces support for distributed parallel I/O using PnetCDF from Argonne National Laboratory, for use in CMAQ-5.1 and later. The original concept and the prototype code are due to Dr. David Wong, US EPA. This code has been extensively extended and revised, to meet the needs of proper I/O API integration and software engineering standards.

There are a number of restrictions:

Additionally, the following environment variables are needed for setting up how the data is distributed over the processors:
Path name for the GRIDDESC file

GRIDDESC-name for the data grid

Blank-delimited list with the column- and row-dimensions for the processor-grid
Note that this list needs to be enclosed by quotes (either single or double).

To declare that a particular file is to be used with PnetCDF parallel I/O, you need a MPI: prefix on the path-name in the usual setenv statement, as in the following example running on a 6×8 processor-grid (48 processors in all):
    setenv  GRIDDESC     /nas01/depts/ie/cempd/WRFCMAQ/CMAQv5.0.1.GRIDDESC.txt
    setenv  GRID_NAME    US36_CRO
    setenv  NPCOL_NPROW  "6 8"
    setenv  CHEMCONC3D   MPI:/tmp/mydir/cmaq.conc.US36_CRO.2015233.ncf

I/O API builds usiing PnetCDF are not link compatible with ordinary builds, and should be kept carefully separate from them.
You can build the I/O API to use PnetCDF/MPI distributed I/O using the following binary types (or use them as templates to build your own custom binary type):

When performing the link-step to create model-executables, you will need to put the PnetCDF libraries in the library-build directory, and add the PnetCDF libraries to the link-step command line (assuming netCDF-4 style libraries below):
... -lpnetcdf -lnetcdff -lnetcdf ...

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File-Set File Lists

Multiple files which have the same structure (type, dimensions, list of variables, time step), and which cover an extended time period may be opened under a single logical name by:
    setenv FILE_1 <path name>
    setenv FILE_N <path name>
    setenv ANAME  LIST:FILE_1,...,FILE_N
subject to the requirement that the value for ANAME has length at most 256 for I/O API 3.0 or earlier, and 65535 for 3.1 or later. In case of overlapping time step sequences, the rule is "first file wins," i.e., if the data is available from the first file, FILE_1, use it; else if it is available from the second file, use that, and so on.

Because of this rule, if you have a sequence of overlapping files covering an extended time period, you probably want to put the list LIST:FILE_1,...,FILE_N in reverse chronological order. For example, if the files data.M-N.ncf have data from 00Z on day M through 00Z on day N from consecutive model runs, then you would probably want to list them in reverse chronological order, at least if you want to get data for 2015124:000000 from file data.2015124-2015125.ncf:

    setenv F123 /my/dir/data.2015123-2015124.ncf
    setenv F124 /my/dir/data.2015124-2015125.ncf
    setenv F125 /my/dir/data.2015125-2015126.ncf
    setenv F126 /my/dir/data.2015126-2015127.ncf
    setenv ANAME  LIST:F126,F125,F124,F123

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Real (netCDF or native-binary disk-based) I/O API files may optionally be declared "volatile" by the addition of a trailing " -v" to the value of the file's logical name in order to tell the I/O API to perform disk-synch operations before every input and after every output operation on that file:
    setenv  QUX  "/tmp/mydir/volatiledata.mymodel -v"

These file based lower layers attempt the I/O optimization of not writing a file's header—needed in order to interpret the file's contents—out to disk until either a "synch" operation is performed, or until the file is closed. This has the effect of making non-volatile output files unreadable until the program that writes them does a SYNC3() call for the individual files, or SHUT3() or M3EXIT() (or making the files unreadable if the program crashes unexpectedly). This extra "synch" operation does cause some (usually small) performance penalty, but it allows other programs to read I/O API files while they are still being written, and prevents data loss upon program crashes.

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Snoop Mode. File-Handling

I/O API Snoop Mode capability may be activated by adding -DIOAPI_SNOOP=1 to DEFINEFLAGS in the ioapi/Makefile.

Snoop Mode is designed to enable "pipelining" of data through multiple modeling/product-generation programs, e.g., for forecast-modeling systems. This allows the generation of early-hour products well before the entire forecast is complete; moreover, it will enable the operating system to make better use of its internal I/O-buffers, further increasing system modeling efficiency.

It is controlled by environment variables SNOOPSECS3 and SNOOPTRY3. When it is active (positive-integer values for these environment variables), when read-operations READ3(), XTRACT3(), INTERP3(), and DDTVAR3() encounter end-of-file, they will re-try for up to SNOOPTRY3 attempts, with delay SNOOPSECS3 seconds in between attempts.

If SNOOPTRY3 < 0 or SNOOPSECS3 ≤ 0, then Snoop Mode is turned off.

If SNOOPTRY3 = 0 then the number of re-tries is (almost) unlimited.

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BUFFERED Virtual Files

For memory-resident BUFFERED files, one restriction at present is that the basic data type of all variables in the virtual file be either integer or real. The other restriction is that only two time steps of data are kept in the buffered file -- the "even step" and the "odd step" (which in normal usage are the last two time steps written). Otherwise, you write code to open, read, write, or interpolate data just as you would with a "real" file. This provides for structured name based identity-tagged exchange of data between different modules in the same program -- since data are stored and accessed by file-name, variable-name, date, and time, the system will detect at run-time the attempt to request data not yet initialized (unlike the situation where data is exchanged via Fortran COMMONs - we've detected some obscure use-before-calculate bugs by replacing COMMONs with BUFFERED virtual files.)


To set up a buffered virtual file, setenv the value of the file's logical name to the value BUFFERED (instead of to the pathname of a real physical file), as given below:

    # myprogram uses "qux" for internal data sharing:
    setenv qux BUFFERED


  1. For all-variable READ3() and WRITE3() calls, all of the variables in the file must be of type M3REAL.
  2. Prior to the I/O API V 2.2-beta-May-3-2002 release, all variables in buffered virtual files must be of type M3REAL.

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As part of the MCNC Practical Parallel Project, MCNC developed an extended Model Coupling Mode for the I/O API. This mode, implemented using PVM 3.4 mailboxes, allows the user to specify in the run-script whether "file" means a physical file on disk or a PVM mailbox-based communications channel (a virtual file), on the basis of the value of the file's logical name:

    setenv FOO                "virtual BAR"
    setenv IOAPI_KEEP_NSTEPS  3
declares that FOO is the logical name of a virtual file whose physical name (in terms of PVM mailbox names) is BAR. The additional environment variable IOAPI_KEEP_NSTEPS determines the number of time steps to keep in PVM mailbox buffers -- if it is 3 (as here), and there are already 3 timesteps of variable QUX in the mailboxes for virtual file FOO, then writing a fourth time step of QUX to FOO causes the earliest time step of QUX to be erased, leaving only timesteps 2, 3, and 4. This is necessary, so that the coupled modeling system does not require an infinite amount of memory for its sustained operation. If not set, IOAPI_KEEP_NSTEPS defaults to 2 (the minimum needed to support INTERP3()'s double-buffering).

The (UNIX) environments in which the modeler launches multiple models each of which reads or writes from a virtual file must all agree on its physical name (usually achieved by sourcing some script that contains the relevant setenv commands).

For models exchanging data via virtual files of the I/O API's coupling mode, the I/O API schedules the various processes on the basis of data availability:

There are two requirements on the modeler: Using coupling mode to construct complex modeling systems has several advantages from the model-engineering point of view:

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Native-Binary Real Files

Abstract: Use

NOTE: These are primarily for use at NCEP, where the office politics forbids the presence of netCDF on their computers.

The following environment-variable assignment tells the I/O API that the indicated file is in the I/O API version of native binary representation, rather than netCDF or PVM-mailbox virtual:

setenv  <logical  name>  BIN:<path  name>
Note that this assignment is on a file-by-file basis, so that a program may use several different I/O API files with different modes for different purposes. As a special case, this allows ordinary "I/O API M3TOOLS" programs such as M3CPLE to serve as translators back and forth between I/O API native binary and I/O API netCDF.


This section describes the structure of the files for a new underlying ("BINFIL3") binary mode for the EDSS/Models-3 I/O API, to supplement the existing (and default) netCDF-file mode, the in-memory BUFFERED mode, and the PVM-based virtual mode.

Since this mode uses native machine binary representation for its data as its underlying data representation layer, it should offer somewhat greater performance than the machine independent lower layers (netCDF, PVM) do, for applications where I/O performance is critical. On the other hand, it is very desirable to keep the header metadata in a portable format, so that user-level programs can still read the data on binary-incompatible platforms and perform the appropriate data conversion themselves. For this reason, header metadata is stored in the portable formats, as described below.

The sequence of data structures in these files is modeled somewhat after the structure of netCDF files, although the implementation mechanisms to store some of the metadata in a machine independent fashion are to some extent borrowed from ideas found in other formats, e.g., GRIB.

Implementation Considerations: Restrictions and Limitations

Implementation Strategy

Metadata Format

The following representations of primitive data types of significance to the I/O API are used to store metadata in a portable fashion (so that the metadata can be interpreted on platforms other than the originating platform) in I/O API BINFIL3 files. In principle, this lets the application programmer use the BINFIL3 layer of the I/O API to read the data on any platform, determine the transformations necessary to interpret it on his platform, and then perform the transformations on the data and use it.

represented by a 4-byte string, in little-Endian order:
BYTE_0(X) contains (unsigned char)(X&&255), i.e., the least significant byte of X
BYTE_1(X) contains (unsigned char)((X/256)&&255)
BYTE_2(X) contains (unsigned char)((X/65536)&&255)
BYTE_3(X) contains (unsigned char)((X/16777216)&&255)
represented by a character string formatted with format equivalent to the Fortran FORMAT 1PE15.9, followed by a trailing ASCII NULL

represented by a character string formatted as 1PD27.19, followed by a trailing ASCII NULL

Equivalent to a Fortran CHARACTER*16 type (fixed-length 16-byte string, padded on the right by blanks; not nul-terminated as a C string would be.)

Equivalent to a Fortran CHARACTER*80 type (fixed-length 80-byte string, padded on the right by blanks)

Equivalent to the Mac Fortran internal representation of a Fortran CHARACTER*(*) variable (with blank-padding on the right), i.e., as a C "struct hack"
      INT4 length;
      char contents[ length ];
      } ;

File Data Structure Design

The structure of a BINFIL3 file is as follows:

Header Section

Machine/Compiler Architecture Metadata

INT4 BYTE_ORDER: Byte order, i.e., the C subscripts at which BYTE_0, BYTE_1, BYTE_2, BYTE_3 would occur if we think of an integer as a C union:
union{ int idata; char cdata[4] } ;

INT4 INTSIZE: size of Fortran "INTEGER"

INT4 REALSIZE: size of Fortran "REAL"


Per-File Metadata

NAME GRIDNAME: grid name

NAME UPDATE_NAME: name of the last program writing to file

LINE EXECUTION: value of environment variable EXECUTION_ID

LINE FILE_DESC[ MXDESC3=60 ]: array containing file description (set by programmer during OPEN3())

LINE UPDATE_DESC[ MXDESC3=60 ]: array containing run description, from file with logical name SCENFILE

Dimension/Type Metadata

INT4 FTYPE: File data type

INT4 GDTYP: map projection type

LATGRD3=1 (Lat-Lon),
LAMGRD3=2 (Lambert conformal conic),
MERGRD3=3 (general tangent Mercator),
STEGRD3=4 (general tangent stereographic),
UTMGRD3=5 (UTM, a special case of Mercator),
POLGRD3=6 (polar secant stereographic),
EQMGRD3=7 (equatorial secant Mercator), or
TRMGRD3=8 (transverse secant Mercator)

INT4 VGTYP: vertical coordinate type

VGSGPH3=1 (hydrostatic sigma-P),
VGSGPN3=2 (nonhydrostatic sigma-P),
VGSIGZ3=3 (sigma-Z),
VGPRES3=4 (pressure (mb)),
VGZVAL3=5 (Z (m above sea lvl), or
VGHVAL3=6 (H (m above ground))
INT4 NCOLS: number of grid columns

INT4 NROWS: number of grid rows

INT4 NLAYS: number of layers


for BNDARY3 files, perimeter thickness (cells), or for SMATRX3 files, number of matrix-columns (unused for other file types)

Temporal Metadata

INT4 SDATE: starting date, coded YYYYDDD according to Models-3 conventions

INT4 STIME: starting time, coded HHMMSS according to Models-3 conventions

INT4 TSTEP: time step, coded HHMMSS according to Models-3 conventions

INT4 NRECS: current number of time step records in the file (1-based Fortran-style counting)

Spatial Metadata

DOUBLE P_ALPHA: first map projection descriptive parameter

DOUBLE P_BETA: second map projection descriptive parameter

DOUBLE P_GAMMA: third map projection descriptive parameter

DOUBLE X_CENTER: Longitude of the Cartesian map projection coordinate-origin (location where X=Y=0)

DOUBLE Y_CENTER: Latitude of the Cartesian map projection coordinate origin (map units)

DOUBLE X_ORIGIN: Cartesian X-coordinate of the lower left corner of the (1,1) grid cell (map units)

DOUBLE Y_ORIGIN: Cartesian Y-coordinate of the lower left corner of the (1,1) grid cell (map units)

DOUBLE X_CELLSIZE: X-coordinate cell dimension (map units)

DOUBLE Y_CELLSIZE: Y-coordinate cell dimension (map units)

REAL VGTOP: model-top, for sigma vertical-coordinate types

REAL VGLEVELS[0:NLAYS+1]: array of vertical coordinate level values; level 1 of the grid goes from vertical coordinate VGLEVELS[0] to VGLEVELS[1], etc.

Per-Variable Metadata

NAME VNAME[ NVARS ]: array of variable names

NAME UNITS[ NVARS ]: array of units or 'none'

LINE VDESC[ NVARS ]: array of array of variable descriptions

INT4 VTYPE[ NVARS ]: array of variable types:

M3BYTE = 1
M3INT = 4
M3REAL = 5
M3DBLE = 6

Additional attributes

Not implemented at this time.

Eventually: TBD, as necessary for the WRF extensions placed in I/O API Version 2.2. At this point, we anticipate that the implementation will be in terms of a sequence of <name-type-value> triplets

Data Section

sequence of time step records

Time Step Header

INT4 FLAGS[2,NVARS]: array of data-availability flags (with Fortran-style left-major, 1-based subscripting):
FLAGS[1,V] are the dates for the data record, encoded YYYYDDD

FLAGS[2,V] are the times for the data record, encoded HHMMSS

FLAGS[1,V] and FLAGS[2,V] are in consecutive memory/disk locations.

(NOTE: This amount of data is not functionally necessary; however, it is included for the historical reasons involving the convenience of visualization-system programmers.)

Time step Contents:

array of data records, subscripted by variable 1, ..., NVARS:

<type> array of data for this variable and time step. Data is in native machine binary format.

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