gregdate [<jdate>]where jdate is a Julian date (= 1000 * year + day(1...365,366)
program computes and displays calendar-style
date "Weekday, Month DD, YYYY" for the indicated Julian date
YYYYDDD. It also displays the day-of-week (Sunday, Monday, ..., or
Saturday), and indicates whether or not daylight savings time should
be in effect. In case jdate is out of range, or not given
as a command line argument, GREGDATE prompts the user for it.
% gregdate 1988200 Monday, July 18, 1988 Daylight Savings Time in effect.and
% gregdate Program GREGDATE takes julian date (in form YYYYDDD) and returns the date in form "Wkday, Month DD, YYYY". Usage: "gregdate [<JDATE>]" (if the JDATE command-line argument is missing, prompts the user for JDATE) Enter Julian date YYYYDDD [1988200] >> 1995250 Thursday, Sept. 7, 1995 Daylight Savings Time in effect.and also (an incorrect argument list in this example):
% gregdate foo bar Program GREGDATE takes julian date (in form YYYYDDD) and returns the date in form "Wkday, Month DD, YYYY". Usage: "gregdate [<JDATE>]" (if the JDATE command-line argument is missing, prompts the user for JDATE) Enter Julian date YYYYDDD [1988200] >> 1995100 Monday, April 10, 1995 Daylight Savings Time in effect.
EDSS/ Models-3 date-time manipulation routines
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