PROGRAM PRESZ !!*********************************************************************** !! Version "$Id:: presz.F 1703 2013-11-15 21:39:36Z coats@bdsl$" !! EDSS/Models-3 M3TOOLS. !! Copyright (C) 1992-2002 MCNC, (C) 1997-2013 Carlie J. Coats, Jr., !! (C) 2002-2012 Baron Advanced Meteorological Systems. LLC., and !! (C) 2015 UNC Institute for the Environment. !! Distributed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE version 2 !! See file "GPL.txt" for conditions of use. !!......................................................................... !! program body starts at line 71 !! subroutine MAKEPZ starts at line 290 !! !! DESCRIPTION: !! Builds multi-layer time-independent gridded file with !! reference PRES and Z values. !! !! PRECONDITIONS REQUIRED: !! "setenv"s for output file, GRIDDESC file !! "f90 presz.F -o presz -L/home/xcc/SunOS5 -lemstuff -lm3io -lnetcdf" !! from a directory containing PARMS3.EXT, FDESC3.EXT, IODECL3.EXT !! !! SUBROUTINES AND FUNCTIONS CALLED: !! I/O API and utility routines; Lambert conversion routines from !! libemstuff !! !! REVISION HISTORY: !! prototype 7/1996 by CJC !! Modified 9/1999 by CJC for enhanced portability !! Version 11/2001 by CJC for I/O API Version 2.1 !! Version 11/2007 by CJC flash-screen/contact-info update !! Version 02/2010 by CJC for I/O API v3.1: Fortran-90 only; !! USE M3UTILIO, and related changes. !! Version 12/2013 by CJC: PARAMETER CMENU(:) !!*********************************************************************** USE M3UTILIO IMPLICIT NONE !!....... Parameter INTEGER, PARAMETER :: CTYPE( 6 ) = & (/ LATGRD3, LAMGRD3, MERGRD3, STEGRD3, UTMGRD3, ALBGRD3 /) CHARACTER*16, PARAMETER :: NONE = 'NONE' CHARACTER*16, PARAMETER :: PNAME = 'PRESZ' CHARACTER*20, PARAMETER :: CMENU( 6 ) = & (/ 'lat-lon ', & ! coordinate types menu item 1 'Lambert Conformal ', & ! coordinate types menu item 2 'Mercator ', & ! coordinate types menu item 3 'Stereographic ', & ! coordinate types menu item 4 'UTM ', & ! coordinate types menu item 5 'Albers Equal-Area ' /) ! coordinate types menu item 6 !!........... LOCAL VARIABLES and their descriptions: INTEGER L REAL V REAL P00, ZLP, PFAC, TS0, TLP !! constants defining MM5 reference atmosphere INTEGER LOGDEV, ISTAT LOGICAL EFLAG CHARACTER*16 ANAME CHARACTER*16 FNAME, TNAME CHARACTER*160 MESG !!*********************************************************************** !!....... First: Initialize the I/O API: LOGDEV = INIT3() ! initialization returns unit # for log EFLAG = .FALSE. WRITE( *,'( 5X, A )' ) ' ', & 'Program PRESZ to construct matching TIME-INDEPENDENT LAYERED GRIDDED', & 'TIME-INDEPENDENT I/O API files containing hydrostatic reference pressure', & 'and altitude at cell centers for an MM5-style reference atmosphere,', & 'for a user specified coordinate system and grid.', & '', & 'NOTE: Currently, only hydrostatic Sigma-P vertical coordinate systems', & 'and Lat-lon, Lambert, Mercator, Stereographic, and UTM horizontal', & 'coordinate systems are supported.', & '', & 'PRECONDITIONS REQUIRED:', & '', & ' setenv ', & ' setenv GRIDDESC (if no terrain file)', & ' setenv ', & '', & 'Specifications for this grid may either come from a GRIDDESC file', & '(if it is a named grid), or may be entered interactively.', & '', & 'THE PROGRAM WILL PROMPT YOU for the logical name of the terrain file,', & 'or "NONE", the logical naem of the output file, the reference pressure', & 'P00 (millibars), reference sea-level temperature TS0 (K), andlapse rates', & ' ZLP (M/log(P)) and TLP (K/log(P)) for this standard atmosphere.', & '', & 'If the terrain-file is "NONE", the program will prompt you for either', & 'the GRIDDESC-name or the defining parameters of the output grid.', & '', & 'Program copyright (C) 1992-2002 MCNC, (C) 1995-2013 Carlie J. Coats, Jr.', & '(C) 2002-2010 Baron Advanced Meteorological Systems, LLC., and', & '(C) 2015 UNC Institute for the Environment.', & 'Released under Version 2 of the GNU General Public License. See', & 'enclosed GPL.txt, or URL', & '' , & '', & '' , & 'Comments and questions are welcome and can be sent to' , & '', & ' Carlie J. Coats, Jr.', & ' UNC Institute for the Environment', & ' 100 Europa Dr., Suite 490 Rm 405', & ' Campus Box 1105', & ' Chapel Hill, NC 27599-1105', & '', & 'Program version: ', & '$$Id: PRESZ.txt 103 2015-01-16 16:55:45Z coats $',& ' ' IF ( .NOT. GETYN( 'Continue with program?', .TRUE. ) ) THEN CALL M3EXIT( PNAME, 0, 0, 'Program ended at user request', 0 ) END IF MESG = 'Enter logical name for TERRAIN input file, or "NONE"' CALL GETSTR( MESG, 'INFILE', TNAME ) MESG = 'Enter logical name for output file' CALL GETSTR( MESG, 'OUTFILE', FNAME ) !!....... If input file exists, open it, get its description, and re-use !!....... the horizontal-grid part of its description: IF ( TNAME .NE. NONE ) THEN IF ( .NOT. OPEN3( TNAME, FSREAD3, PNAME ) ) THEN MESG = 'Could not open file "' // TRIM( TNAME ) // '" for input' CALL M3EXIT( PNAME, 0, 0, MESG, 2 ) ELSE IF ( .NOT. DESC3( TNAME ) ) THEN CALL M3EXIT( PNAME, 0, 0, 'Could not get terrain file description', 2 ) END IF ELSE IF ( GETYN( 'Specify grid by name from GRIDDESC file?', .TRUE. ) ) THEN CALL GETSTR( 'Enter grid name', 'SMRAQ54_50X48', GDNAM3D ) IF ( .NOT. DSCGRID( GDNAM3D, ANAME , GDTYP3D, & P_ALP3D, P_BET3D, P_GAM3D, & XCENT3D, YCENT3D, & XORIG3D, YORIG3D, XCELL3D, YCELL3D, & NCOLS3D, NROWS3D, NTHIK3D ) ) THEN MESG = 'Grid "' // TRIM( GDNAM3D ) // '" not found in GRIDDESC file' CALL M3EXIT( PNAME, 0, 0, MESG, 2 ) END IF ! if DSCGRID failed ELSE ! enter grid specs interactively CALL GETSTR( 'Enter grid name', 'SMRAQ54_48X50', GDNAM3D ) GDTYP3D = CTYPE( GETMENU( 6, 2, 'Enter number for horizontal coordinate system type', CMENU ) ) IF ( GDTYP3D .EQ. LATGRD3 ) THEN ! lat-lon: no P_ALP, ... P_ALP3D = 0.0D0 P_BET3D = 0.0D0 P_GAM3D = 0.0D0 XCENT3D = 0.0D0 YCENT3D = 0.0D0 ELSE IF ( GDTYP3D .EQ. LAMGRD3 .OR. & GDTYP3D .EQ. ALBGRD3 ) THEN !! Lambert or Albers conic projection P_ALP3D = GETDBLE( -90.0D0, 90.0D0, 30.0D0, 'Enter secant angle P_ALP' ) P_BET3D = GETDBLE( P_ALP3D, 90.0D0, 60.0D0, 'Enter secant angle P_BET' ) P_GAM3D = GETDBLE( -180.0D0, 180.0D0, -90.0D0, 'Enter central meridian P_GAM' ) XCENT3D = GETDBLE( -180.0D0, 180.0D0, P_GAM3D, 'Enter X coord origin XCENT' ) YCENT3D = GETDBLE( -90.0D0, 90.0D0, 40.0D0, 'Enter Y coord origin YCENT' ) ELSE IF ( GDTYP3D .EQ. UTMGRD3 ) THEN !! UTM projection P_ALP3D = DBLE( GETNUM( 1, 60, 17, 'Enter UTM zone' ) ) P_BET3D = 0.0D0 P_GAM3D = 0.0D0 XCENT3D = GETDBLE( -999999999.0D0, 999999999.0D0, 0.0D0, 'Enter UTM offset XCENT' ) YCENT3D = GETDBLE( -999999999.0D0, 999999999.0D0, 0.0D0, 'Enter UTM offset YCENT' ) ELSE CALL M3EXIT( PNAME, 0, 0, 'Only Lat-Lon, Lambert, UTM, and Albers supported', 2 ) END IF ! if descriptive angles relevant for this type NCOLS3D = GETNUM( 1, 999999999, 48, 'Enter number NCOLS of grid columns' ) NROWS3D = GETNUM( 1, 999999999, 50, 'Enter number NROWS of grid rows' ) NTHIK3D = GETNUM( 1, 999999999, 1, 'Enter bdy thickness NTHIK (cells)' ) XCELL3D = GETDBLE( 0.0D0, 9.0D36, 54000.0D0, 'Enter X cell size XCELL (meters)' ) YCELL3D = GETDBLE( 0.0D0, 9.0D36, XCELL3D, 'Enter Y cell size YCELL (meters)' ) XORIG3D = GETDBLE( -9.0D36, 9.0D36, XCELL3D*( DBLE( NCOLS3D ) - 0.5D0 ), & 'Enter SW corner X coord for (1,1)-cell' ) YORIG3D = GETDBLE( -9.0D36, 9.0D36, YCELL3D*( DBLE( NROWS3D ) - 0.5D0 ), & 'Enter SW corner Y coord for (1,1)-cell' ) END IF ! if specify horizontal grid by name, or interactively !!........... PARAMETERS for MM5 reference hydrostatic atmosphere P00 = GETREAL( 0.0, 9999.0, 1012.5, 'Enter sea-level pressure for atmosphere (mb)' ) ZLP = GETREAL( BADVAL3, 0.0, -7.2E3, 'Enter Z-lapse rate for atmosphere (M/log(P))' ) TS0 = GETREAL( 200.0, 400.0, 290.0, 'Enter sea-level temperature for atmosphere (mb)' ) TLP = GETREAL( 0.0, 100.0, 50.0, 'Enter T-lapse rate for atmosphere (K/log(P))' ) PFAC = 1.0 / ZLP !!....... Now enter vertical coordinate structure: NLAYS3D = GETNUM( 1, MXLAYS3, 30, 'Enter number of layers' ) VGTYP3D = VGSGPH3 ! hydrostatic sigma-P from PARMS3.EXT VGTOP3D = 100.0 ! model top (mb) VGLVS3D( 1 ) = GETREAL( 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 'Enter sigma value for bottom of model') DO L = 1, NLAYS3D WRITE( MESG, '( A, I3 )' ) 'Enter sigma value for top of layer', L V = 1.0 - ( FLOAT( L ) / FLOAT( NLAYS3D ) )**2 VGLVS3D( L ) = GETREAL( 0.0, 1.0, V, MESG ) END DO ! end: get horizontal grid specs. !!....... Time step structure: zeros for time-independent file SDATE3D = 0 STIME3D = 0 TSTEP3D = 0 !!....... Variables and their descriptions; file description NVARS3D = 4 VNAME3D( 1 ) = 'PRESH' UNITS3D( 1 ) = 'millibars' VDESC3D( 1 ) = 'layer-center reference pressure ' VTYPE3D( 1 ) = M3REAL VNAME3D( 2 ) = 'PRESF' UNITS3D( 2 ) = 'millibars' VDESC3D( 2 ) = 'layer-top reference pressure ' VTYPE3D( 2 ) = M3REAL VNAME3D( 3 ) = 'ZH' UNITS3D( 3 ) = 'meters' VDESC3D( 3 ) = 'layer-center elevation above terrain' VTYPE3D( 3 ) = M3REAL VNAME3D( 4 ) = 'ZF' UNITS3D( 4 ) = 'meters' VDESC3D( 4 ) = 'layer-top elevation above terrain' VTYPE3D( 4 ) = M3REAL VNAME3D( 5 ) = 'TA' UNITS3D( 5 ) = 'K' VDESC3D( 5 ) = 'layer-center reference temperature' VTYPE3D( 5 ) = M3REAL FTYPE3D = GRDDED3 FDESC3D = ' ' FDESC3D( 1 ) = 'MM5 reference atmosphere: pressures, temperatures, and altitudes' FDESC3D( 2 ) = 'Generated by sample program PRESZ' IF ( TNAME .EQ. NONE ) THEN FDESC3D( 3 ) = 'Computations are relative to reference sea level' ELSE FDESC3D( 3 ) = 'Computations are relative to terrain elevation' END IF WRITE( FDESC3D(4), '( A, 1PE13.6)' ) 'Reference sea level pressure (mb) P00=', P00 WRITE( FDESC3D(5), '( A, 1PE13.6)' ) 'Reference sea level temperature (K) TS0=', TS0 WRITE( FDESC3D(6), '( A, 1PE13.6)' ) 'Reference Z-lapse rate (M/log(P) ZLP=', ZLP WRITE( FDESC3D(7), '( A, 1PE13.6)' ) 'Reference T-lapse rate (K/log(P) TLP=', TLP !!....... Open file as "unknown" -- if it does not exist, create it; !!....... else check header against description supplied in FDESC3.EXT; !!....... open for output in any case. !!....... Write reference-atmosphere constants as file-attributes. !!....... Use subroutine MAKEPZ to allocate arrays for variables !!....... PRES and Z, compute them, and write them to file FNAME. IF ( .NOT. OPEN3( FNAME, FSUNKN3, PNAME ) ) THEN EFLAG = .TRUE. MESG = 'ERROR: Could not open file "' // TRIM( FNAME ) // '" for output' CALL M3MESG( MESG ) ELSE IF ( .NOT.WRATT3( FNAME, ALLVAR3, 'P00', M3REAL, 1, P00 ) ) THEN EFLAG = .TRUE. MESG = 'ERROR: Could not write attribute "P00" to "' // TRIM( FNAME ) // '"' CALL M3MESG( MESG ) ELSE IF ( .NOT.WRATT3( FNAME, ALLVAR3, 'TS0', M3REAL, 1, TS0 ) ) THEN EFLAG = .TRUE. MESG = 'ERROR: Could not write attribute "TS0" to "' // TRIM( FNAME ) // '"' CALL M3MESG( MESG ) ELSE IF ( .NOT.WRATT3( FNAME, ALLVAR3, 'ZLP', M3REAL, 1, ZLP ) ) THEN EFLAG = .TRUE. MESG = 'ERROR: Could not write attribute "ZLP" to "' // TRIM( FNAME ) // '"' CALL M3MESG( MESG ) ELSE IF ( .NOT.WRATT3( FNAME, ALLVAR3, 'TLP', M3REAL, 1, TLP ) ) THEN EFLAG = .TRUE. MESG = 'ERROR: Could not write attribute "TLP" to "' // TRIM( FNAME ) // '"' CALL M3MESG( MESG ) ELSE CALL MAKEPZ( FNAME , TNAME ) ! see below, in this file. END IF IF ( EFLAG ) THEN MESG = 'Failure in program' ISTAT = 2 ELSE MESG = 'Success in program' ISTAT = 0 END IF CALL M3EXIT( PNAME, 0, 0, MESG, ISTAT ) CONTAINS !!-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SUBROUTINE MAKEPZ( FNAME , TNAME ) IMPLICIT NONE !!........... ARGUMENTS and their descriptions: CHARACTER*16, INTENT( IN ) :: FNAME ! name of output file CHARACTER*16, INTENT( IN ) :: TNAME ! name of input terrain file, or "NONE" !!........... SCRATCH LOCAL VARIABLES and their descriptions: REAL HT ( NCOLS3D, NROWS3D ) REAL PSFC ( NCOLS3D, NROWS3D ) REAL PRESH( NCOLS3D, NROWS3D, NLAYS3D ) REAL PRESF( NCOLS3D, NROWS3D, NLAYS3D ) REAL ZH ( NCOLS3D, NROWS3D, NLAYS3D ) REAL ZF ( NCOLS3D, NROWS3D, NLAYS3D ) REAL TA ( NCOLS3D, NROWS3D, NLAYS3D ) INTEGER R, C, L ! row, column, layer counters REAL SH, SF, P, DP0 ! scratch variables CHARACTER*80 MESG !!*********************************************************************** !! begin body of subroutine MAKEPZ IF ( TNAME .NE. NONE ) THEN ! read HT; compute PSFC from HT IF ( .NOT. READ3( TNAME, 'HT', 1, 0, 0, HT ) ) THEN EFLAG = .TRUE. MESG = 'Could not read "HT" from "' // TNAME CALL M3MESG( MESG ) RETURN END IF !$OMP PARALLEL DO & !$OMP& DEFAULT( NONE ), & !$OMP& SHARED( NCOLS3D, NROWS3D, P00, PFAC, PSFC, HT ), & !$OMP& PRIVATE( C, R ) DO R = 1, NROWS3D DO C = 1, NCOLS3D PSFC( C, R ) = P00 * EXP( PFAC * HT( C,R ) ) END DO END DO ELSE ! set surface pressure to P00 !$OMP PARALLEL DO & !$OMP& DEFAULT( NONE ), & !$OMP& SHARED( NCOLS3D, NROWS3D, P00, PSFC ), & !$OMP& PRIVATE( C, R ) DO R = 1, NROWS3D DO C = 1, NCOLS3D HT ( C, R ) = 0.0 PSFC( C, R ) = P00 END DO END DO END IF ! if tname "NONE" or not DP0 = 1.0 / P00 !$OMP PARALLEL DO & !$OMP& DEFAULT( NONE ), & !$OMP& SHARED( NCOLS3D, NROWS3D, NLAYS3D, VGLVS3D, PSFC, & !$OMP& PRESH, PRESF, ZH, ZF, DP0, ZLP, TS0, TLP ), & !$OMP& PRIVATE( C, R, L, SH, SF, P ) DO L = 1, NLAYS3D SH = 0.5 * ( VGLVS3D( L ) + VGLVS3D( L+1 ) ) SF = VGLVS3D( L+1 ) DO R = 1, NROWS3D DO C = 1, NCOLS3D P = PSFC( C, R ) PRESH( C, R, L ) = VGTOP3D + SH * ( P - VGTOP3D ) PRESF( C, R, L ) = VGTOP3D + SF * ( P - VGTOP3D ) P = 1.0 / P ZH ( C, R, L ) = HT( C, R ) + ZLP * LOG( PRESH( C, R, L ) * P ) ZF ( C, R, L ) = HT( C, R ) + ZLP * LOG( PRESF( C, R, L ) * P ) TA ( C, R, L ) = TS0 + TLP*ALOG( PSFC( C,R ) * DP0 ) END DO ! end loop on cols C END DO ! end loop on rows R END DO ! end loop on levels L !!....... Write out results to file FNAME, then return: IF ( .NOT. WRITE3( FNAME, 'PRESH', 0, 0, PRESH ) ) THEN EFLAG = .TRUE. MESG = 'ERROR: Writing "PRESH" to file "' // FNAME CALL M3MESG( MESG ) END IF IF ( .NOT. WRITE3( FNAME, 'PRESF', 0, 0, PRESF ) ) THEN EFLAG = .TRUE. MESG = 'ERROR: Writing "PRESF" to file "' // FNAME CALL M3MESG( MESG ) END IF IF ( .NOT. WRITE3( FNAME, 'ZH', 0, 0, ZH ) ) THEN EFLAG = .TRUE. MESG = 'ERROR: Writing "ZH" to file "' // FNAME CALL M3EXIT( 'PRESZ/MAKEPZ', 0, 0, MESG, 2 ) END IF IF ( .NOT. WRITE3( FNAME, 'ZF', 0, 0, ZF ) ) THEN EFLAG = .TRUE. MESG = 'ERROR: Writing "ZF" to file "' // FNAME CALL M3MESG( MESG ) END IF IF ( .NOT. WRITE3( FNAME, 'TA', 0, 0, TA ) ) THEN EFLAG = .TRUE. MESG = 'ERROR: Writing "TA" to file "' // FNAME CALL M3MESG( MESG ) END IF RETURN END SUBROUTINE MAKEPZ END PROGRAM PRESZ