Optimizing Environmental Models
Microprocessor Based Systems

The Easy Stuff   :-)




Not covered here: ALGORITHMS!

History shows that the largest speedups to computer problems come not from the optimization techniques covered by this paper, but by using improved algorithms. Optimization may give factor-of-ten improvements or in rare cases factor-of-hundreds, but algorithm improvements may give factor-of-millions (or even more). For example: They strongly suggest "think well about what you are doing, rather than blindly going ahead with the first thing you think of." Optimization is useful, but using well-chosen algorithms is even more so.

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Is It Worthwhile?
EXAMPLE: MAQSIP Optimization Results

Here are the benchmark results for successive versions of the MAQSIP air quality model on various year-2000 vintage hardware platforms, courtesy of Bob Imhoff while he was at MCNC. These versions do essentially the same arithmetic, and differ beause of incremental applications of the optimization techniques discussed in this paper. Further re-structuring with the creation of a unified 3-D dynamics, replacing the original separate horizontal and vertical advection routines by a single unified routine, gave an additional 30% speedup beyond what is presented below.

Note that there was an average net speedup factor of slightly greater than ten, due primarily to the code organization!. (With 2018-vintage processors, the speedup would be even more dramatic.)

MAQSIP benchmark results

MAQSIP Speedup from Code Optimization

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Due to various characteristics (or "features") of the hardware of modern microprocessor systems, code organization can have massive effects upon delivered model performance. Making the matter more complicated is the issue of how effectively the compilers can translate model source code into machine code. The combination of these two effects can be striking: assuming that two different models are equivalent in content but organized differently (performing exactly the same set of arithmetic operations but in different orders, with different data structure layouts) in bad cases, code structure can easily make a factor of 20-40 difference in a model's delivered computational performance. Smaller effects (factors of 2-5) are quite common unless care has been taken in the model design and coding. Sometimes compilers are able to "optimize around" bad code organization, but in many cases they can not. Generally, achieving 30% of peak processor performance with one's models is quite good; achieving 5% or less is quite common.

In this paper we will first examine the hardware characteristics that promote or inhibit computational performance. In the remainder of the paper, we will first summarize the principles to use in writing high-performance code, then we will examine each of these principles and give examples. Throughout, there are three things we wish to watch for:

You may find the following surprising, in the degree to which they affect model performance: We will give a number of "hands-on" examples, for the most part taken from MM5. The lessons they teach are still relevant for CMAQ and other air quality models, but that way the implied criticisms are for a third-party code... :-) This paper discusses the "easy stuff" which give most of the benefit, rather than looking at heroic measures.

NOTE: Over the last few years, people have started using the enormously powerful arithmetic capabilities developed for graphics cards to do modeling (so-called GPU Computing). We will not discuss GPU computing here; however, it is worth noting that it freequently requires a complete re-write of the model; moreover, its performance is hurt by many of the same issues as "normal" microprocessors—but hundreds of times worse!

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Easy Performance Evaluation

It is a commonplace observation (not always true, but suggestive) that typically 10-20% of the code takes up 80-90% of the execution time: but which 10-20%? Here are a couple of tools that can help to answer that question.


The easiest way to get a subroutine-by-subroutine performance evaluation of a model is by using the perf tool, which is not much harder than using time for simple reports (there are much more elaborate options, as well): perf record generates file perf.data; then perf report generates the performance evaluation.
perf record $<program>
perf report >& <performance-report>
rm perf.data
Here is what the "guts" of a perf report (from 2015's CMAQ-5.0.2 evaluation) looks like:
# Samples: 41M of event 'cycles'
# Event count (approx.): 35265040908321
# Overhead          Command           Shared Object                                                              Symbol
# ........  ...............  ......................  ..................................................................
    18.85%  CCTM.ftz.cksumm  CCTM.ftz.cksummer-AVX2  [.] for_cpstr                                                     
    15.19%  CCTM.ftz.cksumm  CCTM.ftz.cksummer-AVX2  [.] matrix_                                                       
    10.12%  CCTM.ftz.cksumm  CCTM.ftz.cksummer-AVX2  [.] _intel_fast_memcmp                                            
     6.31%  CCTM.ftz.cksumm  CCTM.ftz.cksummer-AVX2  [.] phot_mod_mp_getcsqy_                                          
     5.68%  CCTM.ftz.cksumm  CCTM.ftz.cksummer-AVX2  [.] hrsolver_                                                     
     2.73%  CCTM.ftz.cksumm  CCTM.ftz.cksummer-AVX2  [.] hrrates_                                                      
     2.73%  CCTM.ftz.cksumm  CCTM.ftz.cksummer-AVX2  [.] getpar_                                                       
     2.23%  CCTM.ftz.cksumm  CCTM.ftz.cksummer-AVX2  [.] hrprodloss_                                                   
     2.20%  CCTM.ftz.cksumm  CCTM.ftz.cksummer-AVX2  [.] vdiff_                                                        
     1.68%  CCTM.ftz.cksumm  CCTM.ftz.cksummer-AVX2  [.] hrg2_                                                         
     1.59%  CCTM.ftz.cksumm  CCTM.ftz.cksummer-AVX2  [.] hrg1_                                                         
     1.59%  CCTM.ftz.cksumm  CCTM.ftz.cksummer-AVX2  [.] zadv_                                                         
     1.54%  CCTM.ftz.cksumm  CCTM.ftz.cksummer-AVX2  [.] convcld_acm_                                                  
     1.34%  CCTM.ftz.cksumm  CCTM.ftz.cksummer-AVX2  [.] hppm_                                                         
     1.11%  CCTM.ftz.cksumm  CCTM.ftz.cksummer-AVX2  [.] calcact4_                                                     
     1.06%  CCTM.ftz.cksumm  CCTM.ftz.cksummer-AVX2  [.] for_trim                                                      
     1.02%  CCTM.ftz.cksumm  CCTM.ftz.cksummer-AVX2  [.] hrcalcks_                                                     
     0.95%  CCTM.ftz.cksumm  CCTM.ftz.cksummer-AVX2  [.] pow.L                                                         
     0.91%  CCTM.ftz.cksumm  CCTM.ftz.cksummer-AVX2  [.] expf.L  
Note that for_cpstr, _intel_fast_memcmp, and for_trim are system run-time library routines used for CHARACTER-string copies and comparisons. These take up slightly more than 30% of the model's run time—and in what is supposed to be a numerical model! This points at an obvious way to obtain noticeable speedups...

Gas-phase chemistry (normally thought-of as the most expensive process, and which uses hrsolver_, hrrates_, hrg2_, hrg1_, and hrcalcks_) takes up 14.93%, less than half as much as the CHARACTER-string operations, and also less than vertical diffusion (which uses vdiff_ and matrix_, which total 17.39%).

The perf tool generates a report very easily, and with very little overhead (using operating-system level support built into the Linux kernel). It will give you information about calls to system libraries (here, for_cpstr, _intel_fast_memcmp, for_trim. pow.L, and expf.L). It also does not require that you build a special executable to use it. However, it does require a decently up-to-date Linux system (Kernel-version at least 3: I haven't run a system myself with an older-version kernel for a long time; however, killdevel and kure are still running 2.6.x kernels and so cannot run perf. ;-( ).

prof and other tools

The prof tool is the older technology. It requires that you build a special executable (compiling everything with a flag (usually -pg to add in the profiling code to what you have compiled (note that this of necessity ignores system libraries). Since its activity happens in "user" mode, it does have a sometimes-significant effect upon your results. However, it is what you're stuck with (by and large) on UNC's killdevel and kure, unless you use the commercial (more detailed and harder-to-use) tool valgrind, which is available there.

Using prof or valgrind is beyond the scope of today's talk.

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System Characteristics of Microprocessor/Parallel Systems

Block Diagram

Below is a simplified and generalized block diagram of a typical microprocessor based computer system. The various components are described in sections below.

Details vary considerably, but the essential characteristics are displayed. In particular, there are often separate sets of registers and separate sets of arithmetic units for integer/address values and for floating point values; there are sometimes separate caches for instructions and for data, the virtual-address/cache management unit may be placed in the cache instead of within the processor chip itself.


System Structure

2015 NOTE: Over the last decade, this organization has been made more complex: typically, one has multiple processors (now called "cores") on each single silicon chip, with a more complex cache structure described below. One frequently sees 4-core desk-top chips, and 6-to-18-core server chips (the extreme example being the Intel Knights Landing, with 72 cores on one chip!). Needless to say, this has made terminology more confusing :-).
Note that these multi-core chips naturally have the structure of a shared-memory-parallel system. Frequently, servers are built out of "multi-socket boards", for which several processor-chips share the memory on each board.

The system has the following parts (again, simplified for the purpose of our optimization/parallelization concerns):

Arithmetic/Logic Units (ALU)
These are the place that the actual computation is done. On current chips there are from 3 to 10 ALUs per chip. These units do one arithmetic, logic, or subscript operation per "cycle".

There may be several units, which can be executing different instructions at the same time (the processor is superscalar). Each of these ALUs is usually pipelined, i.e., instruction execution is split over several stages, and ideally the ALU tries to execute several instructions at the same time, one at each successive stage.. Typical current pipeline lengths range from 12 to 20, and typical superscalar "width" is from 4 to 8 units: note that this means that we may have dozens of instructions executing at the same time. This effect promises to get even larger with coming generations of processors.

When the dependencies between instructions prevent one instruction being started before a prior instruction is completed, the ALU must "stall" and insert a (no-operation) bubble into the pipeline.

Minimal Pipeline Stages

Pipeline Stages and Scheduling

Pipelined Superscalar Instruction Scheduling

Intel Processor Note: Successive generations of Intel processors introduce ever-more-powerful sets of available arithmetic operations (SSE, AVX, AVX2, ...). To take advantage of these, you need to include the right command-line options in your compile-commands. The easiest case for this is the "use the arithmetic operations for the processor I'm compiling this on". For Intel compilers, that is -xHost; for GNU compilers, it is -march=native -mtune=native; for PGI compilers, it is the default behavior. If you're compiling on one machine but intending to run on a different one (or running on a mixed-processor cluster), it can get quite complicated :-)

Load/Store Unit
This unit "stages" the transfer of values between the registers and the cache and main memory subsystem. Note that load/store units frequently pipelined, just as ALU's are (but with their own pipelines, independent of the ALUs): typically, the load/store unit can start one load and one store per processor cycle; the length of its pipeline depends upon the details of cache performance, described below. (An exception to the "one load and one store" is the IBM POWER architecture, that can start 2 loads, 2 stores, and 4 floating point arithmetic operations per processor cycle).

Note that store-operations normally go "through the cache", using a pattern given below (so that store-operations are more expensive than loads):

Read the appropriate cache-line from main memory, if necessary
Modify the value in that cache-line
Write the cache line back to main memory

This unit is responsible for decoding the sequence of machine instructions, evaluating the dependencies among them (whether one instruction needs to complete before certain others can start), and scheduling their execution on the various ALUs and load/store units, on the basis of dependencies and data availability (both from previous instructions and from memory). In most cases, this is an out-of-order unit which even calculates dependencies between instructions and takes instructions out of order according to those dependencies. The scheduler may well "cache" the branch taken/branch not taken decision at each program branch and use that information to decide how to proceed with speculative execution, where the scheduler attempts to start the most-likely upcoming IF-block body even before the associated decision is made. For code in which the scheduler is able to predict correctly, speculative out-of-order execution can remove the bulk of the run-time overhead associated with branches (e.g., loop-body start-up/take-down) although the instruction pipeline-setup, instruction dependency, and compiler scheduling problems are still made much more complicated in "branchy" code.

For current processors, the scheduler manages up to 50-100 "active"instructions selected from a pool of 100-200 "available" instructions, on the basis of the data dependencies among them.

these are very fast memory locations that hold a single number each; on modern microprocessors, ALUs get their input values from registers and store their results back to registers. Frequently, there are distinct sets of registers for integer/address data and for floating-point data. Typically, there are 16-32 registers of each type. Intel x86's are "register-starved", having only 4 integer registers and 8 floating point registers; x86_64 increased those numbers to 16. Computations that "live in registers" tend to be much faster than those that don't.

Cache is one or more small banks of fast memory that mirrors the contents of portions of main memory but that is much faster. Caches try to take advantage of spatial locality, where nearby array elements are expected to be accessed within programs at about the same time, and temporal locality, where program accesses to a particular variable are expected to occur near each other in a program's execution.

Caches are organized in terms of cache lines of several consecutive memory locations that are managed together (it being more efficient to do a "read several consecutive numbers" memory operation than to do the same number of singleton memory-reads; "in the same cache line" is then the relevant notion of spatial locality above). Cache lines typically hold from 4 to 16 numbers each. Note that since main memory is much larger than cache size, there will be many memory addresses (generally multiples of a large power of 2 apart) that map to the same cache location, leading to potentially performance-inhibiting cache conflicts when programs are accessing multiple arrays that map to the same cache line.

Note also that caches are read and written a full cache-line at a time, so that read or write operations that affect only one entry in that line encounter substantial extra overhead (a write-operation has to do the following (expensive!) sequence:

  1. Read the entire cache-line from memory, if necessary;
  2. Modify the relevant cache-entry;
  3. Write the entire cache-line back to memory (possibly at a later time, before re-using that cache-line for something else).

The typical organization is hierarchical, with a level-1 cache holding 8-32 KB of the most-recently-used variables, and requiring 2-5 processor cycles to access, a level-2 cache of 256 KB to 1 MB holding the next-most-recently used variables, and requiring 8-20 processor cycles to access, and a larger level-3 cache holding more variables, and requiring 18-40 processor cycles.
See Case Study 1: Typical Cache Behavior.

2015 NOTE: For most current Intel x86 processors, there are actually 4-18 processor-coress ("cores") per circuit-board socket; each of these has its own 16-32KB L1 cache and 256KB L2 cache; all the processor-cores on a socket share an additional L3 cache with 1-2MB per processor—a typical 4-core desktop processor having 4-8MB of shared L3 cache, and a 16-core server processor having 24-32MB of shared L3 cache, for example.

Cache/Address/Memory Management Unit (CAMMU) a.k.a. Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB)
This unit is responsible for translation between virtual addresses that give the program's view of memory and the physical addresses that give the actual (RAM) hardware layout of main memory. It is also responsible for determining which parts of memory are duplicated in the caches, and in multi-processor systems for ensuring that all processors see the same view of memory. There are tables (page tables) that translate between the two kinds of addresses, and usually an on-chip subset (the translation lookaside buffer or TLB) of the currently-active parts of the page tables. For current processors, typical TLB coverage on-chip is 4 MB.

If your program jumps randomly through much larger regions of memory ("TLB thrashing") , it will have to make frequent and very-expensive operating-system calls to re-load the TLB.

Main memory
Main memory is currently much slower than the CPU, requiring typically 50-200 processor cycles to access (depending upon the processor). One of the reasons Cray vector machines have been so fast is that they used exclusively very-fast SRAM instead of DRAM -- 20 times as fast, 50 times as power-hungry, and 100 times as expensive...

Other Processors
There are various ways in which multiple processors connect to memory. Sometimes each circuit board holds a processor and some of the memory; in which case on-this-board memory may be faster than memory on some other processor's board (though both are "visible"); such a system is called a Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) system. SGI ALTIX machines and IBM'x X-series are prime examples of NUMA systems (with the additional property of cache coherence). One of the things that it is necessary to ensure is that all the processors see the "same" view of memory-- that when one processor updates a variable, the rest of the processors see that updated value.)

Note that GPU Programming is an example of this, using the processors on a system's graphics card to do very fast calculations that have a linear algebra style (note that the graphics-card processors are terrible at logic-operations).

SUMMARY: Architectural Characteristics and Considerations

We can see from the above that there are a number of computer system characteristics and considerations about programming that can greatly affect model performance on current computer systems. We can summarize the situation as follows; we will give details and examples in succeeding sections:
Summary: The two most important factors in getting (even a fraction of) the potential performance out of modern processors are:
  1. Memory system behavior: taking as much advantage of cache as possible; and
  2. Pipeline behavior: keeping the pipelines as full as possible: put the computational work in large "chunks"
...as described in the next section...

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Performance Inhibitors

  1. Instruction Dependencies:

    When the input of one instruction is the output of a previous instruction, we say that we have an instruction (or data) dependency. Data dependencies limit how many instructions can be executing at any one time, and may severely inhibit performance. The following are examples of programming patterns that cause instruction dependencies:

  2. Memory Access Patterns:

    When the processor loads a value from main memory, it always loads an entire cache line at a time into the cache—typically, 4-8 numbers. Ideally, the program should be structured to use all of these numbers before needing to load more.

    Defining scratch variables in MODULEs:
    A scratch variable is a variable that is set and used within a routine, but whose value is never needed after that routine completes. Simple examples are loop counters and accumulators for sums.
    Scratch variables should always be declared as local variables within the routine that uses them, rather than as MODULE variables (e.g., in a ,mis-guided attempt to minimize the number of declarations): generally, these latter must be written to memory, and the compiler can do its optimizations on local variables but cannot safely optimize calculations using MODULE variables.

    Memory is best accessed consecutively ("stride-1"). For Fortran arrays, consecutive locations have left-most consecutive subscripts; for C, it is instead right-most consecutive subscripts that give adjacent memory locations. Since "store" operations actually work by reading an entire cache line, modifying the entry that is the target of the store, and then writing back the entire cache line, nonconsecutive stores create more memory traffic than nonconsecutive loads. Note that indirect addressing (as indicated above) frequently leads to nonconsecutive memory accesses.

    The table below indicates how loop nest order and array subscripts should interact for Fortran and for C:

    Language Fortran C
    Array Declaration REAL A(M,N,P) float a[p][n][m]
    Fastest subscript M m
    Good loop order  DO K = 1, P
     DO J = 1, N
     DO I = 1, M
     END DO
     END DO
     END DO
     for ( k=0; k<p; k++ )
       for ( j=0; j<n; j++ )
         for ( i=0; i<n; i++ )

    In the very simple cases like the above (with its perfect loop-nests), some compilers will at high optimization levels invert the ordering of badly-ordered loops into correct form (turning, for example, DO I...DO J...DO K loop ordering into the DO K...DO J...DO I given above. In the real world, however, we are apt to encounter complex nest systems like the following, which the compilers can not deal with as effectively, if the loops are not coded in the correct order:

     DO K = 1, P
       DO I = 1, M
       END DO
       DO J = 1, N
       DO I = 1, M
       END DO
       END DO
       DO J = 1, N
       DO I = 1, M
       END DO
       END DO
     END DO

    Sometimes (as with matrix transposes) it is necessary to have both "good" and "bad" subscript and loop nest orders at the same time. In that case, it is the store operation (left hand side of the equals sign) that is most important, since a store operation involves reading an entire cache line, fixing the indicated single array element, and subsequently writing the cache like back out to main memory:

    Good Bad
     REAL A(M,N), B(N,M)  
     DO J = 1, N
     DO I = 1, M
     END DO
     END DO
     REAL A(M,N), B(N,M)
     DO I = 1, M
     DO J = 1, N
     END DO
     END DO

    structs (C) and TYPEs (Fortran):
    Adjacent struct-fields will be adjacent in memory. There are two potential problems here:

    Consider the following example taken from a C-language hydrology model:

        struct patch_object
            int     zone_ID;
            int     default_flag;
            int     ID;
            int     num_base_stations;
            int     num_innundation_depths;
            int     num_canopy_strata;
            int     num_layers;
            int     num_soil_intervals;
            double  x;
            double  y;
            double  z;
            double  dx;
            double  dy;
            double  area;
            double  area_inv;
            double  acc_year_trans;
            double  base_flow;
            double  cap_rise;
            double  tempC;
            ... [more than 300 fields, occupying about 3.2KBytes]
            }   my_patch ;
        struct basin_object
            int     patch_count;
            struct patch_object *patches ; /* allocated as patches[patch_count]  */
            } my_basin ;
    Note that in this case, my_patch.x is adjacent in memory to my_patch.num_soil_intervals and my_patch.y, and is 8 ints, i.e., 32 bytes from the start of my_patch. If there had only been 7 int-fields, its offset would have been 28 bytes, which is not a multiple of sizeof(my_patch.x)==8 and would have been more expensive to use.
    If there had been a length-7 character-string field as the very first field, it would have screwed everything else up!

    Suppose that my_basin has patch_count=10,000 (for a 100×100-patch basin), and you want to compute the average temperature tempC: The relevant patches are scattered over about 32 MB of main memory (far larger than any processor's cache, and also far larger than the virtual memory system's TLB tables). You will have to get 10,000 isolated temperature-values scattered throughout that 32 MB—and do so not only at slow main-memory speeds, but also with substantial extra memory-management overhead.

    NOTE: From Day 1, Paragraph 1 of the notes for nVidia's GPU-programming course:

    Many programs can be organized either in array-of-structs form or in struct-of-arrays form. Use the latter; the former will absolutely kill GPU-programming performance, by a factor of 10,000 or more.
    The same effect is true for large model-problems on "normal" microprocessors, though to a lesser degree (factor of "only" 10-100). See Note 1.

    If you must have an array-of-structs model architecture, then try to ensure that fields that are used together are located together in the list of fields (as X,Y,Z are above). If you want to go to heroic efforts, ensure that each struct-size is a multiple of 256 bytes, that the array-of-structs is allocated to start on a 256-byte boundary, and that related variables lie within either the same or consecutive 256-byte chuncks relative to the start-of-struct (256 being the usual cache block size).

    In one of the most extreme examples of ("bench-marketing") compiler-optimization activity: in 2007, Sun introduced a new compiler which "broke" one of the SPEC benchmarks: with the right compile flags, and if you compiled the entire program as one single operation, the compiler would spend three days turning this particular array-of-structs program into a machine-language struct-of-arrays executable program, which was more than ten times faster than anyone else's executable program for that benchmark. Sadly, their compiler couldn't do this for most such programs.

  3. Memory Bandwidth:

    Generally, modern processor can only perform one or two loads and one store per processor cycle, while (if the code is stride-1) it can do as many as four floating point and four integer arithmetic operations per cycle. Codes that do more than one array operation per arithmetic operation are limited by the problem of loading data into the processor; the processor itself cannot operate at full efficiency. For example, in the pair of loops:

    DO I = 1, N
    END DO
    DO I = 1, N
    END DO
    there are two loads and one add or one multiply per loop iteration, for a total of 4 N loads, N adds, N multiplies, and 2 N stores. The performance is limited by the number of loads and stores, and half of the time only a load can be performed on a given processor cycle (the other half of the time, the processor does a subscript-to-address calculation, a load, and an arithmetic operation. If this code were restructured
    DO I = 1, N
    END DO
    then there are only 3 N loads, but N adds, N multiplies, and N stores. The code is still memory-limited (all the arithmetic can be performed simultaneously with just a fraction of the load operations), but the re-structured code should run in two-thirds of the time (or if we're dealing with 3-D nests of loops and large arrays as in WRF advection, less than half the time; see "Cache Pollution" below).
    NOTE: this example is sufficiently simple that good optimizing compilers (not always available!) will transform the first set of loops into the second loop. More complex codes, however, may not be transformed by the compiler that way.—CJC

  4. Expensive Operations:

    Modern processors can typically sustain one floating point add and/or multiply per ALU per processor cycle (if not hindered by memory-accesses or instruction dependencies). Divides and square roots are more expensive, typically ranging from 20 to 60 cycles per operation. Character-string operations are also orders of magnitude expensive (and depend on string length). Log, exponential, trig functions, and real-exponent powers and more expensive yet—as much as 1000 times as expensive. For processors that have double-precision-only floating point hardware (Intel x86/8087 and IBM POWER series), the expensive floating point operations are much more expensive.
    NOTE: Real-exponent powers X**Y are usually handled behind the scenes in terms of logs and exponentials, e.g., exp(Y*log(X)).

    Further note that repeated function calls with the same arguments must all be evaluated individually: you might very well have replaced the system-version with your own, which might have side-effects (like counting the number of calls...). For example, the following code from WRF's dyn_em/module_diffusion_em.F (at lines 1444:1445 for WRF-3.4.1) is stupid because it mandates four expensive calls to exactly the same cos(degrad90*tmp): the compiler cannot know whether cos() is the usual system-library trig-function, or whether you've replaced it with something of your own, that needs to be called all four times.

         dampk(i,k,j) =cos(degrad90*tmp)*cos(degrad90*tmp)*kmmax*dampcoef
    Better would be the following, which makes only one call to this expensive routine, and is therefore almost four times faster:
         SCR1 = cos(degrad90*tmp)**2 * dampcoef
         dampk(i,k,j) =SCR1*kmmax
    Better yet in this case would have been to notice that this COS() calculation happens inside a K-I loop nest but depends only upon I, hence should be calculated in a preliminary I-only loop and stored in an I-subscripted scratch array (an example of the "loop-invariant lifting" described later).

    In Fortran, good compilers should optimize products of real-exponent powers (which are "built-in" to the Fortran language as arithmetic operations): good compilers will turn X**A * Y**B into exp(A*log(X) + B*log(Y). In case a real exponent is a compile-time-constant (explicit constant or PARAMETER) machine-exact one-half or one-third, some compilers can detect this special case and replace normal real-exponent processing by optimized special cases (e.g., using Halley's fast cube-root algorithm). In C or C++, the compiler cannot do these optimizations, since in those languages the operation uses library-functions (which may be overriden by the user) instead of operations built into the language.

  5. Short basic blocks (IFs and GOTOs):

    A basic block is the set of straight-line machine-language instructions between machine-language GOTO's—which happen "behind the scenes" for IF-blocks, DO-loops, and subroutine/function calls. Basic blocks are the units over which compilers do instruction scheduling. If basic blocks are short, they will not have enough independent work to keep a pipelined superscalar processor working efficiently.

  6. Cache pollution:

    Consider a typical air quality modeling grid: if it is 100×100×25, then each 3-D variable (wind component, temperature, pressure, or one chemical species) on the grid occupies one megabyte. One 3-D loop nest that uses two variables completely fills up a typical cache, wiping out whatever had been there previously. For multiple-variable calculations, bad program organization can cause the cache to be entirely filled with one or two variables, filled again by other variables, and then again filled by uses of the first variables. For this code-organization, cache values are never re-used, forcing the program to work at much slower main-memory speeds.

    An example of this is given in the MM5 Version 3 treatment of a number of processes, of which horizontal advection is but one example. Suppose your met model grid is 100×100×25, so that (assuming 4-byte REALs), each 3-D variable occupies 1 megabyte. For a typical set of physics options (IMPHYS=5: ice but no graupel), the vanilla MM5v3 has the following set of horizontal advection calls (where I've simplified things to emphasize the nature of the calls):

    CALL HADV(..., U3DTEN, UA,VA, U3D,...)
    CALL HADV(..., V3DTEN, UA,VA, V3D,...)
    CALL HADV(..., PP3DTEN,UA,VA,PP3D,...)
    CALL HADV(..., W3DTEN, UA,VA, W3D,...)
    CALL HADV(..., T3DTEN, UA,VA, T3D,...)
    CALL HADV(..., QV3DTEN,UA,VA,QV3D,...)
    CALL HADV(..., QC3DTEN,UA,VA,QC3D,...)
    CALL HADV(..., QR3DTEN,UA,VA,QC3D,...)
    CALL HADV(..., QI3DTEN,UA,VA,QI3D,...)
    where each HADV call calculates a 3-D *TEN tendency array in terms of 3D winds UA,VA and the original 3D variable *3D being advected. HADV does over 4 MB of memory traffic per call. Assuming a processor with a (large) 2 MB L3 cache, each HADV call wipes out the cache twice over. This means that the winds UA,VA never get a chance to be re-used in the cache. With 10 calls, there is a total of 40 MB of memory traffic. Even on a similar 32-processor system (with 64 MB total of caches), this code overwhelms the caches. Suppose we jammed these subroutine calls by coding a new advection routine that advects all these variables as a single operation:
      HADVALL( UA, VA,
    &     U3DTEN, U3D, V3DTEN, V3D,
    &     PP3DTEN,PP3D,W3DTEN, W3D,
    &     T3DTEN, T3D, QV3DTEN,QV3D,
    &     QC3DTEN,QC3D,QR3DTEN,QR3D,
    The new code not only can reduce memory bandwidth to 22 MB, for this case,it can get better cache reuse—reusing UA(I,J,K),VA(I,J,K) to calculate the tendencies *TEN simultaneously for all ten of the *3D variables, at each (I,J,K). (It also has one parallel section instead of 20, reducing MM5v3 parallel overhead by about 10%, thereby improving model performance on many-processor systems.) On our hypothetical 32-processor system, we've only used one-third of the caches, leaving 40 MB of total cache untouched, perhaps holding data useful for the surrounding routines.

    NOTE: because this re-structuring reduces the memory bottleneck of the original code, it is even more effective at improving performance on newer processors with more powerful arithmetic instructions.

  7. TLB Thrashing:

    Recall that the TLB is the part of the processor that has the currently active part of the page tables that translate between the logical addresses that programs use, and the physical addresses of the actual RAM. Since the TLB is much smaller than the entire page table (typically covering 4 MB per processor), when the TLB doesn't have the needed translation, the entire processor must be suspended while the operating system causes the TLB goes out to main memory to fetch the relevant part of the page table for that translation. Programs that traverse large regions of memory over and over again may suffer frequent stalls from this process. The MM5v3 example above (with a dozen or so processes that go over and over large regions of memory) is also prone to TLB thrashing. For most Intel Xeons, the size of the TLB coverage is 4 MB per processor; bad loop and array organization can cause extra flushing and reloading of the TLB from (slow) main memory.

    In the above MM5 example, each HADV(() call would exhaust the TLB capacity; subsequent calls would have to flush the TLB and start over (ten times). The HADVALL() code would only need four TLB flushes.

    The MM5 practice of over-dimensioning the model in order to accomodate the largest nest that might occur also contributes to this effect. Consider a 45KM/15KM nest system with 45KM grid dimensions 96×132×31, and 15KM grid dimensions 190×184×31. Benchmarking shows that a 45KM-only run built with this 190×184×31 dimensioning is 15-25% slower (depending upon vendor/platform) than a run with "exact" 96×132×31 dimensioning. 1-3% of this difference is due to decreases in cache efficiency; the remainder is due to extra TLB thrashing activity.

  8. Array/Struct Analysis Problems:

    Compilers analyze the data flow within programs to decide which code optimizations and transformations are applicable. One such transformation is not to store a result from register to memory when the compiler can prove the value will not be used subsequently (dead-store elimination). Such analysis is much easier for scalars than it is for arrays (for which the compiler often can only prove whether any element of the array will be used later). (Many older codes unnecessarily use arrays for storing intermediate results; this comes from the fact that the very earliest Cray vector compilers could not otherwise recognize vectorizable loops, a deficiency that Cray fixed over twenty-five years ago.)

    An example shows up with the original QSSA solver used in the Models-3 and EDSS AQMs: there was a routine RATED that calculated an array D(NRXNS) entry by entry, like the following:

    D(51) = RK(51) * C(10) * C(36)
    and routine PQ1 that used the D-values to calculate production and loss values, also entry by entry, like:
    P1(15) = (D(37) + D(38) + D(39) + D(40) + D(41))/C(15)
    Q1(20) = 0.760 *D(52) + 0.020 *D(53) ...
    (I've picked simple examples; most are rather more complicated :-).) Because compilers generally are not able to do complete data-flow analysis on array elements, the D(N) are always written to memory and read from memory.

    For MAQSIP-RT, we combined these two routines and replaced the array D(NRXNS) by the set of scalars D01, ..., D91 (for Carbon-Bond IV). The compiler was then able to deduce exactly how and when each of the Ds was used, and rearrange all the arithmetic so that on an SGI R10000 with 32 floating point registers, about 70 of the Ds live entirely in registers (never being stored to nor retrieved from memory). Moreover, the code of the combined RATEDPQ1 is one huge basic block, enhancing the compiler's ability to determine which computations were independent, and to schedule the machine instructions for the routine. The result of this modification was to speed up the air quality model as a whole by better than 50% (SGI R10000 result).

  9. Parallel overhead:

    There are three sub-categories of these overheads:

    Note that for most kinds of parallel programs, as you increase the number of processors used, you increase the parallel overhead while at the same time decreasing the size of the individual (per-processor) work tasks to be performed. The cost of parallel loop startup tends to be proportional to the number of parallel threads used, as does the parallel load imbalance overhead, while the amount of work per thread tends to go down proportional to the number of threads. Eventually the two curves cross; you can get past the "point of diminishing returns" to a point where adding processors actually slows down the program. Testing here at MCNC has shown that for the MM5v3 configuration used in our summer-2000 forecasts, running MM5 on 64 IBM SP processors took about one and a half times as long as running it on 32.

  10. Parallel "gotchas":

    There are a number of unusual (even counter-intuitive) effects that can happen with both distributed and shared-memory parallel execution, especially in the presence of non-stride-1 array accesses and small parallel sections. A full study of these is beyond the scope of this paper.

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Optimization Tactics and Strategies

Meta-Principle: You can never do just one thing.
They all interact. Sometimes they reinforce and help or hurt each other; sometimes they have conflicting effects, and you have to try to find the best compromise. In any case, document in the code just what you are doing and why

Hundred-fold and thousand-fold speedups are usually the result of changing to much more efficient algorithms. In classical numerical analysis, elliptic multigrid solvers and the Fast Fourier Transform offer such greater algorithmic efficiency that in spite of the lower processor efficiency they offer, the overall turnaround is hundreds of times shorter, and more than compensates. In environmental modeling, much of emissions processing can be formulated in terms of sparse matrix transforms, in terms of full-matrix transforms, or in terms of data processing style searches. The data processing approach offers miserable performance. When one compares the full matrix and sparse matrix approaches, one sees that the full matrix computations (on a typical current machine) would operate at several hundreds of megaflops, whereas the sparse matrix computations would be at a few tens of megaflops. This is more than compensated by the fact that the transform matrices tend to be on the order of 99.9% zeros; SMOKE does 1000 times less arithmetic even if what arithmetic it does is 10 times slower: the vast, vast majority of the megaflops consumed in a full matrix emissions model would be wasted!

Note that a good example of algorithm-improvement is the replacement of repeated linear search of unsorted data by binary search of sorted data. The Models-3 I/O API contains extensive sets of efficient routines for sorting and searching It also contains extensive facilities for using sparse or band matrices for bilinear interpolation, grid-to-grid transforms and the like (usually a massive win over the compute-coefficients-on-the-fly philosophy).

For linear algebra operations (solving systems of equations, matrix inversion, and the like), libraries like LAPACK are often far more optimized by their specialist authors than anything the average modeler can possibly code (e.g., by such tricks as cache blocking, described below), and typically outperform simpler alternatives by a factor of 2-4.

Choose appropriate subscript orders:
Choose a subscript order such that the most frequently occurring array accesses are by the "fastest" subscript (see the table above for Fortran and C array ordering). For very large memory bound programs, array order can easily make a factor of ten or more difference in performance, although half of that is more common. If different parts of a program are doing lots of repeated computation with an array but in different natural loop orders, it can sometimes be worthwhile to "gather-scatter" or "transpose" the data, i.e., to keep two copies of the data, one in each subscript order, and copy back and forth between them when going between the different parts of the program.

Likewise, avoid "array-of-struct/TYPE" program organizations, because they will frequently have you processing isolated numbers spaced apart by the size of the struct. See Note 1.

At a higher level, this is the reason for the original Models-3 distinction between "computational SPECIES,LEVEL,COL,ROW subscript order and postprocessing or I/O (file/visualization) COL,ROW,LEVEL,SPECIES subscript order: all the processes in an air quality model act upon the species at a cell, so that subscript is naturally innermost. The second most used dimension is the vertical, for the computationally more intense processes of vertical diffusion, clouds and aqueous processes, and (for photolysis calculations) chemistry. The only processes for which LEVEL is not naturally the second-innermost subscript is horizontal advection (and horizontal diffusion, if used: at AQM grid scales, the existing numerical diffusion is generally an order of magnitude larger than the "real" physical horizontal diffusion anyway). On the other hand, post-processing analysis and visualization most frequently are one species (or a few species) at a time, and frequently for one layer at a time, so that for post-processing purposes these are naturally the outermost subscripts. That is why in the original design, the air quality model used one computational subscript order, but had an OUTCOUPLE module that transposed the data to analysis order for output, but was called infrequently (as compared with the computational routines).

Minimize the use of index arrays:
The use of index arrays (i.e., expressions such as A( IX( I ) ) by its nature introduces data dependencies that slow down pipelined microprocessors. The processor must first go to memory to fetch IX( I ) before it can even know what element of A to fetch. There are times, for example in SMOKE, for which the use of index arrays and sparse matrix algorithms allows one to avoid computations that are 99.99% arithmetic with zeros, and even a factor of 10 slowdown of the processor due to the index arrays leaves one a factor of 1000 ahead in overall performance. On the other hand, the use of indexing arrays repeatedly to go back and forth between "physics species" and "model species" costs a substantial fraction of the time required by the horizontal and vertical advection routines. The post-July2001 MAQSIP-RT's 3-D advection routine that performs more computational work but does only one gather-scatter step, based on the fact that most of the time, Z-advection is what limits the model time-step.
  Extract advected species from CGRID, with inverse-density related mass-adjustment
  Half-step of Z advection
  Full-step of X-Y advection
  Half-step of Z advection
  Copy-back advected species to CGRID, with density related mass-adjustment.
is actually has abaut one-fourth the memory operations than the separate HADV and VADV calls that do (and with better cache behavior), in effect, the following, with four sets of gather-scatter steps:
  Extract advected species from CGRID
  Perform inverse-density-related mass adjustments
  Copy-back advected species to CGRID
  Extract advected species from CGRID
  Full-step of X-Y advection
  Copy-back advected species to CGRID
  Extract advected species from CGRID
  Full-step of Z advection
  Copy-back advected species to CGRID
  Extract advected species from CGRID
  Perform density-related mass adjustments
  Copy-back advected species to CGRID
Note that all the "extract"s at the start and end of these routines exactly cancel out the "copy-back"s at the end of them, respectively. This optimization has only a moderate direct effect on model performance by itself, but since the model time-step is typically limited by VADV, the doubled "Half-step of Z" also allows us to stretch the model time step, with an indirect effect of substantially increasing the computational efficiency of GASCHEM and VDIFF, and speeding up the model as whole by 30-40%.

It is worthwhile, I think, to consider structuring AQMs so that the physics modules only see the physics species and physics subscripts, possibly by making the COUPLE/DECOUPLE operations not only go back and forth between chemistry and physics units but also between chemistry and physics species variable-sets and subscripts.
Question: Should the very-short-lived species have any existence at all outside the chemistry module?

Use PARAMETERs where possible; avoid constructs that require run-time disambiguation:
The more of the code and run-time structure that can be calculated at compile time, the better job of optimization the compiler can do. PARAMETER dimensions and loop bounds typically cause speedups on the order of 5% (not a lot, but every little bit helps:-) Array sections and ALLOCATEable arrays cause performance penalties typically running from 10% to 100%, depending upon the vendor; Fortran POINTERs typically cause 50%-200% penalties (basically reducing the optimizability of Fortran down to that of C/C++).

Avoid/Minimize expensive operations:
This frequently can be done with just a bit of ordinary algebra, by rationalizing fractions or using the laws of exponents. SQRT(X) is faster than X**0.5 on all platforms I know; usually, SQRT(SQRT(X)) is faster than X**0.25. Here are just a few egregious examples of avoidable expensive operations, taken mostly from MM5:

Loop jamming and restructuring:
Loop jamming is the operation of combining loops that have the same range (or similar ranges) of iteration counts. This can have three advantageous effects: (1) it increases the amount of work in the loop body, hopefully giving the compiler's instruction scheduler more independent work to be performed simultaneously; and (2) if the same array elements are used in both loops, they can be loaded or stored once instead of twice, reducing memory traffic and perhaps increasing cache efficiency; furthermore (3) it sometimes creates opportunities for other optimizations, like common subexpression elimination.

NOTE: Some compilers (notably SGI and IBM) try to deal with this automatically at high optimization levels. Sometimes they do a good job, sometimes not. And sometimes the result is not predictable in advance ;-(

WARNING: SGI Rxxxx and IBM POWER<n> processors have additional "streaming load/store units" that are substantially faster for array accesses than the normal load/store units--but for only one (SGI) or two (IBM) arrays per loop. For these processors, it sometimes improves performance to take the opposite tack, and split the code into simple loops instead. Unfortunately, machine-specific experimentation is usually necessary to decide whether or not to do this ;-(

Sometimes loop jamming is very simple, as in the following example adapted from MM5's BDYVAL routine:

DO I = 1, N
DO I = 1, N
which has 8×N loads and 4×N multiplies and stores. Speed is limited by the fact that the processor can only do one load per processor cycle; the arithmetic unit is operating at only half-speed. Simple loop jamming then gives
DO I = 1, N
which has 6×N loads and 4×N multiplies and stores, for a speedup factor of 33%. This code can be further reorganized (since in this case QCX and QRX are purely scratch variables, never used afterwards) to:
DO I = 1, N
which has 4×N loads, 3×N multiplies (since the compiler should recognize the common subexpression RPSA(I,2)*PSA(I,1)), and 2×N stores. It should be at least twice as fast as the original (maybe more, since eliminating the scratch-arrays reduces cache pollution).

At other times, we may jam nests of loops, and/or the loop bounds may not match exactly, so that we have to introduce extra "set-up" or "clean-up" loops (an operation called peeling) to make the merger work, as in this example adapted from MM5's MRFPBL routine (using DO-END DO and Fortran-90 style continuations, for easier web layout). Recall that in MM5, K=1 is the top of the model.

DO I = IST, IEN  ! original loop 90
DO K = KL, 1, -1  ! original loop 110
  DO I = IST, IEN  ! original loop 100
  DO I = IST, IEN  ! original loop 110
DO K = 1, KL  ! original loop 120
DO K = 1, KL-1  ! original loop 130
This already has a "start-up" I-loop for K-value KL+1. All the I-loops have range I=IST,IEN but we must re-arrange a bit of code to get a common range of KL-1,1,-1 for the K-loops--we need to put computations for K-value KL into the "start-up"I-loop to make this work. It is also best to promote CELL to being an array, and eliminate scratch variable DUM1. We also need to make sure we "count down" in K, because of the dependencies of, for example, DZA(I,K) upon ZA(I,K+1). The result is:
  ZQ(I,KL)=ROVG*T0(I,J,KL)*  &
DO K = KL-1, 1, -1
  ZQ(I,K)=ROVG*T0(I,J,K)*  &
     ALOG((SIGMA(K+1)+CELL(I))/(SIGMA( K )  &
To analyze the performance, let SIZE=KL*(IEN-IST+1) In the original, there are about 8*SIZE loads, 5*SIZE stores, 9*SIZE adds or multiplies, and one set each of SIZE very expensive log and divide operations. (Loop 120 manages to re-use the values for ZQ(I,K) and ZQ(I,K+1), reducing the number of loads from 10*SIZE to 8*SIZE.) In the jammed final form, the re-use is even better: ZQ(I,K) is calculated then simultaneously stored and re-used in two additional calculations, for example. There are about 3*SIZE loads, 4*SIZE stores, 9*SIZE adds or multiplies, and one set each of the expensive log and divide operations. The final overall speedup depends upon just how expensive the log and divides are; the rest of the code should speed up by a factor slightly more than 2.

Loop and Logic refactoring:
When run at high optimization levels, some compilers will do loop jamming, loop unrolling and loop reordering of simple loops (with no internal IF-THEN-ELSE logic) in order to get larger basic blocks with more independent work to be scheduled. It is beyond the present state of the compiler writer's art, however, (and there seem to be little interest in researching) to perform optimizations that inverts loop invariant IF-THEN-ELSE logic with DO-loops; you have to do the following sorts of code-rewriting yourself, to turn
DO I = 1, N
      !! work for case 6:
   END IF ! if option=6,5,4,3,2,1
   DO I = 1, N
      !! work for case 6:
   DO I = 1, N
ELSE   ...
END IF ! if option=6,5,4,3,2,1
This topic is pursued in greater detail in the following sections on control dependencies and on MM5 MRFPBL.

Loop-Invariant Lifting:
When the values resulting from computations do not depend upon the loop counter (and are thus the same for all iterations of the loop, it can frequently improve performance to do the computations and save the result before the execution of the loop, and then to use the result within the loop. Generally, compilers can perform the simpler cases of loop-invariant lifting; they cannot, however, deal with the cases of invariants that are arrays, loop-invariant logic nor with cases where the construction of the loop invariant involves function calls (even calls of standard library functions: at compile time, the compiler has no way to know that you don't have your own functions by the same name, that do different and non-invariant things.) There are a number of particularly egregious examples within all of the MM5 EXMOIS* modules:
   DO N=1,NSTEP   ! miter loop
      END IF
&      DTMIN*6000./G/NSTEP
   END DO    ! end miter loop
 END DO   .!! end I loop
Note that the IF(N.GT.1000)... is really a condition on NSTEP and should be done before the miter N-loop. (This is one of the cases for which we can see a loop invariant although the compiler can not.) Note also the expensive and poorly-formulated DTMIN*6000./G/NSTEP factor for rain-accumulation. (Furthermore, note the fact that rain-accumulation is done directly into the global accumulator array RAINNC(I,J), both affecting the round-off error adversely and causing repeated unnecessary stores of the result to memory.) A better coding would be:
   DO N=1,NSTEP   ! miter loop
   END DO   ! end miter loop
 END DO   .!! end I loop
Given the original rainfall computation (which may easily add one second's instantaneous rainfall to a 360000-second global total),I do not trust unmodified MM5's precipitation totals to be reasonably accurate for runs exceeding 24-48 hours' duration.

There is also an example of the compiler-can't-do-it kind of difficulty with loop-invariant lifting in the JPROC program's SRBAN subroutine:

E10 = ALOG( 10.0 )
  DO IWLO2 = 1, NWLO2
    ...(code involving a real exponent)
    Y1 = ALOG(CVO2(ILAY))/E10
    ...(code involving a real exponent)
We know that ALOG(4.696E-23*CVO2(ILAY)/0.2095) = ALOG(CVO2(ILAY)) + ALOG(4.696E-23/0.2095), that the first of these terms on the RHS depends only on ILAY, and that the second is a pure constant. But because of the many opportunities for mischief in a potential user-defined ALOG, the compiler can not even know that two successive calls of ALOG(CVO2(ILAY)) give the same answer (much less take advantage of the laws of logarithms that relate the expressions in the code). The code will reduce to the much, much faster:
D10 = 1.0 / ALOG( 10.0 )
ATRM = ALOG(4.696E-23/0.2095)*D10
  LCV02 = ALOG(CVO2(ILAY))*D10
  DO IWLO2 = 1, NWLO2
    X1 = LCV02 - ATRM
    ...(code involving a real exponent)
    Y1 = LCV02
    ...(code involving a real exponent)
which has no ALOG function call in the innermost loop at all, and only one such call in the outer loop, as well as a substantially reduced number of divisions. The new code should be about twice as fast as the old code (it still has two of the the expensive real-exponent operations in the inner loop, but no log operations).

Loop unrolling:
This is a technique more used by the compilers than by actual modelers (except in very performance critical situations or when programming C or C++, for which the compiler often cannot determine whether it is "safe", due to C/C++ promiscuity with pointers); however, it is useful to understand how it works. Frequently, the compiler will only do unrolling if you put in specific command-line options to tell it to do so.

In some ways, loop unrolling is quite similar to the vectorization performed by Cray supercomputers, for example (and in fact some vendors call it (not entirely correctly) vectorization). The idea is to get lots of independent work, and large basic blocks over which the compiler can schedule machine instructions by executing several iterations of a loop at once. For example, the compiler might replace the loop

DO I = 1, N
N1 = MOD( N, 4 )
DO I = 1, N1
DO I = N1+1, N,4
    A(I  ,K)=B(I  ,K)+C(I  ,K)
The instruction scheduling for the original loop would look like the following, which is dominated by waiting for instructions to complete (and, for non-speculative processors, waiting for the decision whether this is the last loop iteration):
  1. Load B(I,K)
  2. Load C(I,K)
  3. Wait until the loads complete
  4. Add B(I,K) and C(I,K)
  5. Wait until the ADD completes
  6. Store the result in A(I,K)
  7. Increment I
  8. Compare I with N
  9. Speculative processors only: start processing the loads for the next iteration
  10. Non-Speculative processors: Wait for the result of the I-N comparison
  11. If I<N go back to the top of the loop body

Scheduling for the unrolled loop has no such waits, and has considerable opportunity to overlap different instructions (details depend upon pipeline length and cache latency):

  1. Load B(I,K)
  2. Load C(I,K)
  3. Load B(I+1,K)
  4. Load C(I+1,K)
  5. Load B(I+2,K)
  6. Load C(I+2,K)
  7. Load B(I+3,K)
  8. Load C(I+3,K)
  9. Add B(I,K) and C(I,K)
  10. Add B(I+1,K) and C(I+1,K)
  11. Add B(I+2,K) and C(I+2,K)
  12. Add B(I+3,K) and C(I+3,K)
  13. Store the A(I,K)
  14. Store the A(I+1,K)
  15. Store the A(I+2,K)
  16. Store the A(I+3,K)
  17. Store the result in A(I,K)
  18. Increment I by 4.
  19. Compare I with N
  20. Speculative processors only: start processing the loads for the next iteration
  21. Non-Speculative processors: Wait for the result of the I-N comparison
  22. If I<N go back to the top of the loop body.

Note that because the instructions for I, I+1, I+2 and I+3 are all independent, the compiler (or the processor itself, if it is "out-of-order") can re-arrange these instructions quite a bit and overlap loads, stores and computations: we can start adding B(I,K) and C(I,K) simultaneously with loading B(I+3,K), etc., achieving a substantial speedup.

Another effect that loop unrolling may have is that it may actually reduce the memory bandwidth required for so-called stencil codes such as the following (dot-point/ cross-point derivative calculation), which naively coded is:

DO R = 1, M
DO C = 1, N
DO R = 1, M
DO C = 1, N
In the naive version, there are two loads and one arithmetic operation per result. Loop jamming improves this performance by 50%, to three loads and two arithmetic operations per two results (A(C,R) being loaded into a register once, but used twice):
DO R = 1, M
DO C = 1, N
Compilers will generally unroll only innermost loops. This, therefore, is one case where programmer-coded loop unrolling can substantially improve performance (but at the cost of nontrivial (heroic?) programmer effort): unrolling both the C-loop and the R-loop by 3 gives 16 loads, 18 arithmetic operations, and 18 results per iteration (bettering the target 1:1 FLOP:LOAD ratio, but at the expense of substantial programmer-effort). Ignoring start-up "remainder" loops (which are rather messy, but constitute only a small fraction of the computation, if M and N are large), we have the following. A(C+1,R+1) is highlighted to show (6 times) repeated uses:
DO R = 1, M, 3
DO C = 1, N, 3
In principle, one can unroll this system further and get even higher FLOP:LOAD ratios, but in practice the compiler will run out of registers into which to load A-values at some point and the code will actually slow down. (The code presented here would not be optimal on an Intel x86 processor, which has only 8 floating-point registers).

This is a very hardware-specific technique, applicable particularly to linear algebra codes, and usually used only in high performance libraries such as LAPACK or (for simple codes) performed by the compiler.
"Heroic" Effort: It is sometimes useful to force the alignment of arrays and struct fields to match cache-line boundaries, to unroll loops by exactly the cache-line length, and to structure the loop nests so that you can think of the code as acting on vectors exactly cache-line-length in size, re-using each vector as many times as possible. Correct implementation is quite tedious and tricky, and it only works for very regular codes for which multiple re-uses of the same data are possible. This technique is usually reserved for vendor supplied high performance libraries, but we are noting its existence here for completeness sake.

Array-Size/COMMON-block struct-field padding
This also is a hardware-specific...
Avoid array sizes and array dimensions that are multiples of the cache size (which is usually some large power of 2), in order to avoid cache thrashing. This effect is most markedly a problem on systems with direct-mapped caches. For COMMON-blocks, introduce extra dummy arrays into COMMON-blocks to re-space the arrays and avoid this problem. Studies show that in the worst cases, cache thrashing can penalize performance by a factor of 40 on some systems.

Some compilers will do these padding operations (especially to COMMONs) themselves at high optimization levels, or with the right command-line options.

Load-balance parallel constructs
This is a problem-specific... and there are lots of things you can do, many of them tricky. Parallelizing the problem over either a dimension that exactly divides the number of processors, or the dimension of greatest extent is the simplest of these. Document whatever you are doing in this regard!

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Simple Case Study 1:
Typical Cache Behavior

In the diagram below, we show what a section of the cache might look like at some particular instant in a program's execution. We are assuming the very-common cache-line size of 32 bytes, which will hold 8 INTEGERs or REALs, or 4 DOUBLE PRECISION values.

In this program, we have the following TYPE and variables:

        LOGICAL :: L1
        INTEGER :: J1
        INTEGER :: J2
        INTEGER :: J3
        REAL    :: R1
        REAL    :: R2
        REAL    :: R3
        REAL    :: R4
        REAL    :: R5
    INTEGER         : : IDX( 500 )
    REAL             :: XXX( 500 )
    REAL             :: YYY( 100,200 )
    TYPE( MYTYPE )   :: TTT( 500 )
Notice that the leading dimension of YYY is not a multiple of 8, so that adjacent rows of YYY will not be aaligned in cache. Similarly, MYTYPE has 9 fields, occupying 36 bytes, so that consecutive elements of array TTT will have "interesting" cache-alignments.
Cache Contents
In this particular example, note the following:
In order to modify YYY(21,8), we had to read all of YYY(17:24,8) into a cache line, modify YYY(21,8), and then eventually write the entire cache line back out again.

Note also that if we are using just field R1 from TTT, for example, we will always have to read in the surrounding 8 fields from the array-of-TYPEs, wasting a lot of memory bandwidth in the process. Accessing the TTT(1:500)%R1 is a badly non-stride-1 process, probably an order of magnitude more expensive than if TTT had been a TYPE-of-arrays instead of an array-of-TYPEs.
See Note 1.

Under some circumstances, the cache-management hardware on the processor will recognize, for example, sequential uses of XXX(201),XXX(202),XXX(203),..., anticipate that this pattern will continue, and load XXX(209:216) while computations for the previous XXX-values are still in progress.
Note that this is not foolproof...

In order to fetch new values into a cache-line, the cache-management hardware will try to find a cache line that is not likely to be used in the "near future", write it back out if necessary, and then use it for the new values. How best to do this has been an active R&D area; it isn't foolproof either.

Sometimes, a bit more speedup can be obtained by "playing games" with array-sizes and memory-layouts. Doing so fits into the "heroic measures" part of optimization...

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Simple Case Study 2:
Data Dependencies in Polynomial Evaluation

One of the utility functions that shows up in the AQM aerosol module code is POLY6(A,X) which evaluates at X the (5th order) polynomial with coefficients A(1),...,A(6), The original implementation used a "Horner's Rule" nested multiplication for its evaluation:
POLY6 = A(1) + X*(A(2) + X*(A(3) + X*(A(4) + X*(A(5) + X*(A(6))))))
which (excluding the time required to load the coefficients A(1),...,A(6) from memory), is a sequence alternating five multiplies with five adds, each operation being dependent upon the previous one. Every arithmetic operation after the first must wait on the preceeding operation for its input data. Assuming a 4-way superscalar processor with a pipeline depth of 5, the evaluation of these 10 operations takes the processor 41 cycles, during which time it could have executed 50*20=1000 instructions; the net processor efficiency is about 4%. With the much longer pipelines of current hardware, the efficiency is worse. Note that the pipeline-stages on some processors will do the last "write result to register" operation in the pipeline with a simultaneous "write result into next instruction" operation, as indicated by the overlaps in the diagram below.
Note that on current processors, there are 15-18 pipeline stages, not just 5. This stretches the horizontal scale by a factor of three ;-(

Naive POLY6 Scheduling

A more efficient but more obscure implementation involves the recursive description of POLY6 that re-factors it using "linear terms" and X2: quadratics and powers of X:

POLY6 = A(1) + X*A(2) +
        X2*(A(3) + X*A(4)) +
        X4*(A(5) + X*A(6))
The machine-level arithmetic operations and instruction-scheduling is indicated by the following diagram below, assuming a 4-way superscalar processor, "simple" arithmetic operations, and a pipeline length of 4. Note how the compiler might re-arrange the calculations to minimize data-dependency delays. Execution requires 21 cycles, for almost doubled processor efficiency.

re-factored POLY Scheduling

Note that for a processor with "fused multiply-add" (Intel SandyBridge or later, IBM POWER<n>, SGI R6000), the Horner's Rule POLY6 still has a sequence of five fully-dependent multiply-adds, for a 21-cycle sequence; the "linear term" reorganization gives a yet-shorter 13-cycle sequence:

opt FMADD Scheduling

Consider that if the problem were instead were the evaluation of four polynomials A, B, C, D, at four X-values Xa, Xb, Xc, Xd, then one could schedule the evaluations of A2X, B2X, C2X, D2X together, etc., and complete the four evaluations in just 23 cycles, almost quadrupling the computational efficiency. (In the following, the calculations for the four separate polynomials are indicated by trailing lower-case letters a,b,c,d). Notice how rarely the processor stalls, with instructions having to wait for their input data:

4-Way POLY6 Scheduling

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Simple Case Study 3:
Control Dependencies in MM5 Physics Options

Recall that from the compiler's point of view as it attempts to schedule instructions for our superscalar deeply-pipelined processor, the scope of operation is the basic block, a chunk of machine-code between GOTOs (none going into the middle of it, none leaving it except possibly at the end). Since IF-statements involve the creation of basic blocks, and also since they involve data dependencies that break the pipelining, inner-loop IF-statements can be very expensive computationally.

Examples of this can be found in many places in MM5, where constructs like the following were quite common (similar constructs can be found throughout WRF).

    DO I=1,ILX
        IF ( IMPHYS.GE.1) THEN
            ...TA, PPA computations only
            IF ( IMPHYS.GE.2) THEN
                ...QV computation
                IF ( IMPHYS.GE.3) THEN
                    ...QC, QR computations
                    IF ( IMPHYS.GE.5) THEN
                       ... QI, QNI computations
                       IF ( IMPHYS.GE.6) THEN
                           ... QG, QNC computations
                       END IF
                    END IF
                END IF
            END IF
        END IF
    END DO
Note that the loop body is broken up by these nested IF-statements into 5 different tiny basic blocks of three or four arithmetic operations each (much smaller than the processor's capacity to execute simultaneously), and that at least ostensibly there are also dependencies upon the outputs of 4 different tests of IMPHYS: at every such IF, the processor must stall while waiting to decide if the IF-condition is true. If this code were restructured as follows, it would both be much faster and (in my opinion, at least) much easier to read.
        DO I=1,ILX
            ...TA, PPA, QV, QC, QR, QI, QNI, QG, QNC computations
        END DO
        DO I=1,ILX
            ...TA, PPA, QV, QC, QR, QI, QNI computations
        END DO
        DO I=1,ILX
            ...TA, PPA, QV, QC, QR computations
        END DO
        DO I=1,ILX
            ...TA, PPA, QV computations
        END DO
    ELSE !!  dry model: imphys=1
        DO I=1,ILX
            ...TA, PPA computations
        END DO
    END IF
Note that in the frequently used non-dry cases, the loop body consists of a single large multi-variable basic block without any dependencies induced by IF-statements, computing the effect of this process for potentially all 9 "normal" cross point state variables (or including wind components--all 12 state variables, for some modules). Experience shows that such code does in fact run substantially faster than the common MM5 structuring. In fact, this speedup is true for all platforms, whether vector-based or microprocessor-based.

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Complex Case Study:

The following description of MM5's MRFPBL is a simplification (it ignores the computation of vertical model structure and the land-surface fluxes, etc., but it conveys an interesting central idea correctly). The following techniques can speed it up by a factor of about 2.5.

The Original:

For a number of variables (U, V, TA, QV, PP, QC, QI, QNC), MRFPBL computes tendencies (UTNP, VTNP, TATNP, QVTNP, PPTNP, QCTNP, QITNP, QNCTNP)and returns them to SOLVE. The essential structure of the original MRFPBL tendency computation fit the following outline (where note that MRFPBL acts on an MM5 I,K-slab).
For each of these variables (call the variable X3D; the variables are taken one at a time),
  1. Loop on I,K copying this I,K-slab of 3-D variable X3D into a local 2-D I,K-variable X.
  2. Loop on I,K setting local tendency XTNP(I,K) to zero
  3. Loop on I,K computing diffused X (call it ( AX(I,K))
  4. Loop on I,K computing local tendencies XTNP(I,K)=XTNP(I,K)+(AX(I,K)-X(I,K))
  5. Loop on I,K rescaling XTNP(I,K)=XTNP(I,K)*PSB(I,J))
  6. Loop on I,K adding the local tendency to the output argument global tendency X3DTEN(I,K,J)=X3DTEN(I,K),J+XTNP(I,K)
Note that except for the computation of AX(I,K), this is a one-pass code that uses 6 loop traversals in order to compute the final X3DTEN(I,J,K). There are no internal ("miter") time steps for MRFPBL. for a total of 8 whole-grid reads and 6 whole-grid writes per variable X.


In the original MRFPBL, each array XTNP(I,K) is written to memory 3 times and read from memory 4 times. This entire construct can be converted into a single loop pass that competely eliminates the local arrays X and XTNP. The restructured code has the following pattern:
For each of these variables (call the variable X3D),
Loop on I,K
  1. Compute diffused (scalar) value AX using X3D(I,K,J)
  2. Increment the global tendency X3DTEN(I,J,K)=X3DTEN(I,J,K)+(AX-X3D(I,J,K))*PSB(I,J)
for a total of 3 whole-grid reads and 1 whole-grid writes per variable X.
One may further restructure the code as described in the section above, into the pattern
       DO K = 1, KL
       DO I = IBEG, IEND
          !! Compute the global tendencies for all
          !! the relevant variables for this option.
       END DO
       END DO
    ELSE IF...
    END IF   !! if imphys≥6,5,3,2,1
which has the added virtue of reading PSB(I,J) only once and using it for all the variables (reducing the ratio of loads per arithmetic operation below 1.0) and using it for all the relevant variables, and also of increasing the amount of independent work being thrown at our deeply pipelined, highly-superscalar processor (increasing its computational efficiency thereby).


As expected, the resulting code is more than twice as fast as the original. The surprising thing is that (at least for the 2002-vintage (SGI, IBM) machines and case we benchmarked), optimizing MRFPBL in this way makes routines SOLVE and SOUND respectively 10% and 9% faster as well! The reason for this is that the elimination of 16 I,K scratch arrays markedly reduces the impact of MRFPBL on the system caches and the virtual memory system (reduces cache pollution and TLB thrashing)--leaving cache and TLB contents preserved for continued use by these other routines. For a typical case, the new MRFPBL uses about 2K of local variables, 500 KB less local variables than the original. This difference is double the entire cache system size on some computer systems!

In fact, we did all this without spoiling vectorization: this code should be faster for all platforms, whether vector or microprocessor based. We could potentially go back and re-structure this code much further, putting the I-loop outermost for microprocessor performance at the expense of vector performance. However, it would be a considerable bit of work but unless one completely restructures the entire MM5 meteorology model to match, the resulting speedups would probably be minor. Schemes like HIRPBL and GSPBL that do have internal miter time steps do profit from the following kind of structure, even without re-writing the rest of MM5 (MYEPBL is already largely structured this way):

    Use K-subscripted scratch variables only
    Parallel I-loop, enclosing
          vertical column setup
       end K-loop
       internal time step ("miter") loop:
          sequence of K-loops:
             miter-step vertical column calculations
          End K-loops
       End time step ("miter") loop:
          copy back to MM5 arrays
       End K-loop
    End parallel I-loop
This is probably a good structure for most air quality modules as well, except that each of the loops indicated in this structure further includes one or more nested chemical-species loops, and that if we select the "right" subscript order we don't need to do as much column-setup or copy-back work. We will see this structure again in the next section, when we talk about the MM5 moist physics routines.

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Complex Case Study 2:
MM5's EXMOIS* Microphysics Routines

2015 Note: the WRF WSM* and WDM* families of microphysics codes are similar to the below, only worse. Applying the same techniques gives better than a factor of 8 speedup for WSM6...

MM5's EXMOIS* routines compute moist microphysics and nonconvective precipitation for a variety of different physics options. Even though there are several such microphysics routines, all of them have a similar structure. Consider, for example, EXMOISR, which I speeded up by a factor of 6 (in dry weather) to 8 (in wet weather), in a project a decade ago for the Air Force Weather Agency.

EXMOISR is associated with physics option IMPHYS=5, and computes up through ice micrometeor and number concentrations on an I,K-slab. From a dataflow point of view, this model is structured into a long sequence of loop nests, mostly of K,I (except for the last two, that are I,K).

The loop structure is complex and tedious, and everything is cluttered up with subscripts. MEGO.3.

If we extract just the loop structure (DOs and CONTINUEs) from EXMOISR, we have the following structure, with 11 loop nests (with a mean length of 51 lines each), as indicated below. Most of these loops further have IF FREEZING... ELSE... ENDIF constructs in them, so the real situation is much messier yet!

      DO 10 I=1, MIX*MJX
      DO 15 K=1,KX
        DO 15 I=2,ILXM
   15   CONTINUE
      DO 20 K=1,KL
        DO 20 I=IST,IEN
   20   CONTINUE
      DO 22 K=1,KL
        DO 22 I=IST,IEN
   22   CONTINUE
      DO 30 K=1,KL
        DO 30 I=IST,IEN
   30   CONTINUE
      DO 40 K=1,KL
        DO 40 I=IST,IEN
   40   CONTINUE
      DO 50 K=1,KL
        DO 50 I=IST,IEN
   50   CONTINUE
      DO 60 K=1,KL
        DO 60 I=IST,IEN
   60   CONTINUE
      DO 70 K=1,KL
        DO 70 I=IST,IEN
   70   CONTINUE
      DO 80 I=IST,IEN
        DO 90 K=1,KL
   90   CONTINUE
        DO 100 N=1,NSTEP    !!  precipitation...
          DO 110 K=1,KL
  110     CONTINUE
          DO 120 K=2,KL
  120     CONTINUE
  100   CONTINUE
      DO 95 I=IST,IEN
        DO 92 K=2,KL
   92   CONTINUE
Intermediate results are passed from loop-nest to loop nest through 2-D I,K-subscripted scratch arrays--45 of them! For a 200×200×30 domain, these arrays occupy almost a megabyte, far larger than L2 cache size. There is no computational data flow reason for the code to be split up this way into a complex sequence of loops. Conceptually, the physics process is a vertical column (K) process that is performed for each horizontal I. There are no induction dependencies or the like to prevent the jamming of all these loop nests, and reducing all these scratch arrays to scratch-scalars. The reason for this structure, with lots of (long) simple innermost I-loops is performance on (badly-obsolete!) vector machines, where strided array accesses are "free" (unlike the microprocessor situation), as long as the loop bodies are simple enough that the compiler can vectorize them.

The code can be recast into the form given below, with first a K-loop 5 used to compute SIGMA-fraction subexpressions, then an all-encompassing I-loop that contains first a K-loop that does the moist-physics and miter-step computations, then a miter N,K-loop nest that computes precipitation, and finally a cleanup K-loop. Not counting blank lines in either, the new code is 156 lines shorter than the old. The only arrays needed in the new code are 1-D K-subscripted ones for the SIGMA-fractions and the vertical column variables passed in to the N,K-nest precipitation computation--there are only 14 arrays in all. All the other working variables can be reduced to scalars, for a local variable volume less than 2 kilobytes, fitting into level-1 cache on every post-1992 microprocessor I know!

      DO 5 K = 2, KX
      DO 95 I=IST,IEN
        DO 90 K=1,KL
   90   CONTINUE
        DO 100 N=1,NSTEP    !!  precipitation...
           DO 120 K = 2,KL
  120      CONTINUE
  100   CONTINUE
        DO 92 K=2,KL
   92   CONTINUE
Loop 90 now does all of the moist-physics computation, as well as computing the miter time step. Nest 100-120 does the precipitation fallout effects, and 92 "cleans up" after that.

The IF FREEZING... ELSE... ENDIF clauses can all be combined into one single IF FREEZING... ELSE...ENDIF inside new Loop 90, greatly reducing the cost of doing logic-operations while at the same time increasing basic-block size, thereby allowing much better instruction-scheduling optimizations by the compiler.

Frankly, I find the code much easier to read! ...as well as being 6+ times faster, depending upon the platform and case.

Instead of a "cache-buster" code with complex nesting, lots of short basic blocks, and a megabyte of scratch variables, we wind up with a highly optimizable, mostly-scalar code with just a few large basic blocks. Most variables now live in registers, and the compiler can do a much more thorough job of optimizing it. On the other hand, the innermost loops are over K instead of I so for vector machines the available vector-length is probably about 30 instead of 100 or more. This variant will not perform as well on the vector machines at the Taiwanese or South Korean met offices, and so was politically unacceptable to NCAR (in spite of a better-than-six-fold speedup on microprocessor based machines that all the rest of us use).

While the restructuring is taking place, there are numerous places where the strategies noted above (logic refactoring, avoiding expensive operations, loop invariant lifting, etc.) were employed to improve the code quality still further, from the points of view of both numerical accuracy and computational efficiency.

Validation is made rather more difficult by the extreme numerical sensitivity of the moist-physics/clouds MM5 model: all the buoyancy effects are inherently ill conditioned numerically (and physically in the real world!), and even tiny changes affect the triggering of convective clouds, which then feeds back large scale effects to the grid scale. Needless to say, such a restructuring of the EXMOIS* routines is a major effort :-).

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NOTE 1: array-of-struct/TYPEs vs struct/TYPE-of-arrays

There is a "school" (an ideology, actually) of programming that wants to take the idea of "fine-grained objects" to extremes. If you have a grid, for example, with numerous properties at each grid cell, they would use something like the following array-of-struct/TYPE code organization.
For C:
    typedef struct { float x ;      /* East-West    (M)  */
                     float y ;      /* North-South  (M)  */
                     float z ;      /* elev a.s.l.  (M)  */
                     float tk ;     /*  temperature (K)  */
                     ...} point ;
    point model_state[ NROWS ][ NCOLS ] ;
or for Fortran:
        REAL :: X
        REAL :: Y
        REAL :: Z
        REAL :: TK
so that to reference temperature at grid-cell (C,R) one would use either model_state[r][c].tk for C or MODEL_STATE(C,R)%TK for Fortran.

This ideology denies the existence and/or easy implementation of the "field" objects in terms of which the model's governing equations are defined. It also has very bad performance implications for all but the smallest of models. It can work acceptably-well if the total memory-usage of a model is less than a 200 KB (for current computers), decently for a megabyte-sized model, but will fail badly for a 10-100 MB (or larger) model.

Accompanying this ideology is a tendency to make anything which might be related to a POINT into a field in that struct/TYPE. Since this data-structure definition is global, this is an example of the (bad) practice of unnecessarily programming with global variables, and at the same time substantially reducing both compiler-efficiency (such fields ought to be local variables instead, that the compiler can manage better) and cache/memory system efficiency, because it blows up and further scatters the whole-model's memory usage.

An alternative organization is something like the following:

    struct { float x[ NROWS ][ NCOLS ];       /* East-West    (M)  */
             float y[ NROWS ][ NCOLS ];       /* North-South  (M)  */
             float z[ NROWS ][ NCOLS ];       /* elev a.s.l.  (M)  */
             float tk[ NROWS ][ NCOLS ];      /*  temperature (K)  */
             ...}  model_state ;
        REAL ::  X(NCOLS,NROWS)
        REAL ::  Y(NCOLS,NROWS)
        REAL ::  Z(NCOLS,NROWS)
so that temperature at (C,R) is model_state.tk[r][c] for C, or MODEL_STATE%TK(C,R) for Fortran. From a purely-logical point of view, these two styles are completely equivalent. However, for problems of realistic size, the latter style will outperform the former by a factor of 20-40 on ordinary microprocessors (because of the way it interacts with the processor's cache-to-memory interface, and by a factor of up to 1,000-10,000 on GPUs (because of the vector-unit implementation there).

If you take a course in efficient GPU programming, the first thing the instructor will tell you is that the alternative code organization offer performance on GPUs thousands of times faster than the "fine-grained objects" code organization.

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This web document is copyright© 2002, 2015, 2018, 2021 Carlie J. Coats, Jr.

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Send comments to
Carlie J. Coats, Jr., Ph.D.
carlie@jyarborough.com or

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